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Virginia gun ban bill

Started by bambam, December 09, 2019, 05:38:20 PM

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Virginians are not happy about the potential gun ban bill;

  VA county forms militia
this ought to give the tyrants in Richmond pause.
molon labe for sure

In addition to passing their Second Amendment Sanctuary Resolution, the county also passed a Militia Resolution. This resolution formalizes the creation, and maintenance of a defacto civilian militia in the county of Tazewell.

Firearms News: Councilman Lester, what are the reasons behind passing this new resolution, and what does it mean for the people of Tazewell County?

Tom Lester: We understand the implications of this new resolution are potentially enormous, but we also understand the political importance of making the county a Second Amendment Sanctuary.

Declaring our county a Second Amendment Sanctuary is a great first step, however, Virginia is unique because of its constitution. Under Article 1 section 13 of the VA Constitution, VA must maintain a well-regulated militia composed of its people to validate its authority

This subsection makes it the responsibility of counties to maintain a militia, not a National Guard or other standing army.

This is because the purpose of the militia is not just to protect the county from domestic danger, but also protect the county from any sort of tyrannical actions from the Federal government. Our constitution is designed to allow them to use an armed militia as needed. If the (Federal) government takes those arms away, it prevents the county from fulfilling their constitutional duties. But, this is not limited to just our county, but also as part of a network of sister counties showing solidarity for both Virginia’s, and the American Constitution.

As for the people, our Militia Resolution will be funding firearms safety and training for our county’s citizens, the ROTC and the public school systems - as well as the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts. These preparations are done to prepare our citizens to be able to become de facto militiamen if need be.


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 VCDL president update on Virginia


This is from 2013 but this woman knows her $hit;



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  This is NOT good ; UN can disarm Americans ??!!
Found this article about the United Nations hiring disarmament people. According to the author , there is a provision in the USMCA treaty Trump signed that may allow UN troops to disarm Americans !! Did TRump not read that frickin treaty before he signed it ? Did he not have his lawyers read it first ? Why in the hell would that be in a trade treaty in the first place ??!! This is NOT good folks ;



 I'd like to see a bunch of UN troops try to disarm people up in my neck of the woods , Wolverines :yoyo:🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
"Live Free Or Die"


Mine also!

Sent from my Vivo XI using Tapatalk


 We don't even like people from other states never mind another country 👊👊👊👊👊👊👊👊👊👊😡😡😡😡



Doug Ducote video from today;



That rally coming up concerns me.  It is a made-for-TV chance for leftists thugs pretending to be NRA to beat people up in front of a camera.


WV Invites Virginia #2A Counties To Switch States

I’m not sure if this is more hilarious or serious. Probably both. But with all the news coming out of Virginia these days regarding pushback against new gun control laws, their neighbors in West Virginia have put forth an offer. Tired of the government in Richmond taxing the heck out of you and trying to infringe upon your Second Amendment rights? Perhaps you should consider switching over and becoming part of our state. Come on in… the water’s fine!

And it’s more than just a casual discussion. The state government in Charleston has already drawn up a bill preparing to accept the new territories if anyone wants to join.

WV invites Virginia #2A counties to switch states
Whereas, Article VI, Section 11 of The Constitution of the State of West Virginia explicitly permits additional territory to be admitted into, and become part of this state, with the consent of the Legislature and of a majority of the qualified voters of the state; and

Whereas, In a spirit of conciliation, the Legislature of West Virginia hereby extends an invitation to our fellow Virginians who wish to do so, to join us in our noble experiment of 156 years of separation from the government at Richmond; and, we extend an invitation to any constituent county or city of the Commonwealth of Virginia to be admitted to the body politic of the State of West Virginia, under the conditions set forth in our state Constitution, specifically, with the consent of a majority of the voters of such county or city voting upon such proposition; and we hereby covenant that their many grievances shall be addressed, and, we further covenant with them that their firearms rights shall be protected to the fullest extent possible under our Federal and State Constitution.

As Breitbart points out, this process would have to take place in a number of steps. First, the West Virginia legislature would need to approve the offer. Then, any of the Second Amendment sanctuary counties and cities that are interested would have to call special elections and have a majority of their voters indicate a willingness to change states.

After such special elections were held, the petition(s) would shift back to West Virginia, where a majority of voters would have to approve the application. After that, the shift would become official at some point and we’d have to go back and redraw all the maps.

So is this legal? According to Article VI, Section 11 of the Constitution of West Virginia it is. But I immediately began to wonder what would happen if a city in Virginia voted to join West Virginia but the surrounding county did not. Or what if one of the border counties didn’t join, but the next county to the east wanted to? Can we have non-contiguous counties as part of a state? I’m not sure what the precedent for that would be, but both Wisconsin and Washington state do have sections that are not accessible by land without going through a chunk of Canada. It would be an interesting debate to be sure.

More to the point, the political ramifications would be rather intense. Virginia would immediately turn blue, but they’d lose some congressional seats while West Virginia would become an even darker shade of red and gain some seats.

All of this may have Governor Northam in even more of a panic than he is already. He’s just announced a “state of emergency” in Virginia and plans to issue an order forbidding the carrying of any firearms in Capitol Square during the upcoming Second Amendment rights rally. The city will essentially be on lockdown, with everyone attending the rally needing to go through metal detectors.

Virginia is pretty much in the midst of their own civil war at this point, hopefully without any of the attendant shooting. Who knows? Perhaps it would be for the best if they just let some of the southern counties split off and join West Virginia. They did it back in the 1800s and it’s seemed to work out okay.
I surely believe in Okanagan comment, however as someone else once said.

"When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes DUTY!" - Thomas Jefferson or

"I simply cannot stand by and watch a right guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States come under attack from those who either can't understand it, don't like the sound of it, or find themselves too philosophically squeamish to see why it remains the first among equals: Because it is the right we turn to when all else fails. That's why the Second Amendment is America's first freedom..." Charlton Heston
When they come for mine they better bring theirs


The Virginia type legislation has been filed in Kentucky for the new state legislative session under   HB45   sponsored by all Dems, of course. I don't think it has a chance of passing but the fact the bill was filed tells one that they are closing in on the 2A.