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The Tailgate / Today in history 9-20
Last post by remrogers - Today at 10:26:25 AM
Sept 20
Avalanche thunders into Russian village

A glacial avalanche in Russia buries a village on September 20, 2002, killing more than 100 people.

The North Ossetia area of Russia was hard hit by floods in June 2002. These floods, along with an early and hot summer, proved to be a precursor to a much larger disaster in September. Large glaciers sit above the town of Vladikavkaz. With higher than normal temperatures in 2002, increased water runoff showed that these glaciers were beginning to melt and weaken.

On the afternoon of September 20, a 400-foot-tall chunk of ice broke from a large glacier and plunged down the side of the mountain. The resulting avalanche picked up speed, hitting close to 100 miles per hour at its fastest and traveling an astonishing 20 miles, destroying everything in its path. The village of Karmadon was completely buried by tons of stone and ice. Rescue efforts began immediately and continued for weeks. Twenty-seven people were pulled out alive. Finding victims' remains proved to be much more difficult work. Even weeks after the avalanche, less than half the150 people who had been reported missing had been found.

In total, the avalanche caused $20 million in damages. Had it traveled just a few miles further and hit Vladikavkaz, the death and damage toll would have been far worse.
Hunting Photos / Re: Archery opening morning.
Last post by nastygunz - Today at 07:37:32 AM
Fishing Photos / Re: Footballs
Last post by nastygunz - Yesterday at 09:26:49 PM
Just in the Livewell for the big photo opp.
Hunting Photos / Re: Archery opening morning.
Last post by FinsnFur - Yesterday at 07:35:24 PM
Stuck an arrow in the slug hole :laf:
That thing will be some good eatin
Fishing Photos / Re: Footballs
Last post by FinsnFur - Yesterday at 07:32:14 PM
Smallies are runnin!! :eyebrow:  :eyebrow:
You guys keep those?
Fishing Photos / Re: Footballs
Last post by remrogers - Yesterday at 10:52:44 AM
The Tailgate / Today in history 9-19
Last post by remrogers - Yesterday at 10:51:29 AM
Sept 19
Nevada is site of first‑ever underground nuclear explosion

On September 19, 1957, the United States detonates a 1.7-kiloton nuclear weapon in an underground tunnel at the Nevada Test Site (NTS), a 1,375-square-mile research center located 65 miles north of Las Vegas. The test, known as Rainier, was the first fully contained underground detonation and produced no radioactive fallout. A modified W-25 warhead weighing 218 pounds and measuring 25.7 inches in diameter and 17.4 inches in length was used for the test. Rainier was part of a series of 29 nuclear weapons and nuclear weapons safety tests known as Operation Plumbbob that were conducted at the NTS between May 28, 1957, and October 7, 1957.

In December 1941, the U.S. government committed to building the world's first nuclear weapon when President Franklin Roosevelt authorized $2 billion in funding for what came to be known as the Manhattan Project. The first nuclear weapon test took place on July 16, 1945, at the Trinity site near Alamogordo, New Mexico. A few weeks later, on August 6, 1945, with the U.S. at war against Japan, President Harry Truman authorized the dropping of an atomic bomb named Little Boy over Hiroshima, Japan. Three days later, on August 9, a nuclear bomb called Fat Man was dropped over Nagasaki. Two hundred thousand people, according to some estimates, were killed in the attacks on the two cities and on August 15, 1945, Japan surrendered to the Allied Powers.

1957's Operation Plumbbob took place at a time when the U.S. was engaged in a Cold War and nuclear arms race with the Soviet Union. In 1963, the U.S. signed the Limited Test Ban Treaty, which banned nuclear weapons testing in the atmosphere, underwater and outer space. A total of 928 tests took place at the Nevada Test Site between 1951 and 1992, when the U.S. conducted its last underground nuclear test. In 1996, the U.S signed the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, which prohibits nuclear detonations in all environments.
Firearms / Re: sling recomendation
Last post by bigben - Yesterday at 07:25:00 AM
in a instance such as that I just say he must have a big cock or he can eat it good. 
Firearms / Re: sling recomendation
Last post by msmith - Yesterday at 07:07:14 AM
Quote from: bigben on September 12, 2024, 05:58:30 AMmake sure you buy a good high end one.  Or she will end up with a toothless backwoods hillbilly for a stud.

Those are the only ones not taken around here but when you see one with a girl you're like "dang, what, why's she...?"
Firearms / Re: OUCH!
Last post by nastygunz - September 18, 2024, 04:24:29 PM
Headshots only  :innocentwhistle: