
General => The Tailgate => Topic started by: JohnP on November 11, 2009, 08:58:48 PM

Title: Obama
Post by: JohnP on November 11, 2009, 08:58:48 PM

  It may be that Fox has been holding this information back due to the sensitivity of it and out of courtesy.  But Obama has taken on Fox and it appears that they are ready to spill the ugly beans of truth about the background of this individual who has had an extremely radical past.   This should prove to be interesting.
Subject: This Sunday at 8:00 pm central - 9:00 pm eastern …..6:00 pm Pacific (obviously)

This Sunday Fox news, is going to air a very important documentary about Barack Obama.     

The report will  go back to Obama's earlier days, showing even then his close ties to radical Marxist professors, friends, spiritual advisers, etc.  It will also reveal details about his ties to Rev. Wright for 20+ years i.e. how he was participating with this man, and not for the reasons he states!

The report has uncovered more of Obama's radical past and we will see things that no one in the media is willing to put out  there.  It will be a segment to remember.
Mark your calendar and pass this on to everyone you  know:  Sunday night, 8 P M . CT ; 9 P M  ET.  Democrat or Republican, this report will open your eyes to how YOUR country is being sold down the road to Totalitarian Socialism. 
If you care about the direction of our country, pass this notice on to everyone you know...
Title: Re: Obama
Post by: vvarmitr on November 12, 2009, 09:26:23 AM
Like a lot of frickin good that'll do now! :argh:

But then again would it have done any good a year ago? :noway:
Title: Re: Obama
Post by: Carolina Coyote on November 12, 2009, 12:44:02 PM
Thanks JohnP,Even tho it will not help in the past election, but the coming elections it could make a big difference, of course you will still have some people that don't  believe that they have been Brainwashed. If it was not for Fox news no one would ever know the truth, all the other Media news networks have been bought out. GOD BLESS AMERICA. and the Republicans. cc
Title: Re: Obama
Post by: KySongDog on November 12, 2009, 05:41:44 PM
I was OK with your statement, CC, up until "and the Republicans".   :argh:  They had the power in Congress at one time and misused and abused it.  I am not happy with the Republicans and I hate the liberal Democrats.   :holdon:  I voted for John McCain only because he was better than the socialist Obama.   

I'm glad Fox News is airing this segment.  I only hope the people who are on the fence about Obama watch and listen!   

Title: Re: Obama
Post by: Jimmie in Ky on November 12, 2009, 05:49:20 PM
 :mad3: I am fed up with all politicians , period!! I say we hang the lot of them out to dry.  Jimmie
Title: Re: Obama
Post by: FinsnFur on November 12, 2009, 07:03:09 PM
I cant see it happening.
I think it'd be awesome if it did, but if something like this was really public this far in advance, he'd either black it out, or go live with health issues, press conferences to steal the allocated air time.
Title: Re: Obama
Post by: Carolina Coyote on November 13, 2009, 06:30:35 AM
I agree about all the Politicians at this point, not happy with any of them, but at least the Republican Party  is not full of Radicals, Socialist, thats trying to turn this country into a total welfare State, What other Party can we turn to?  :shrug: , The Independents that I have seen are worst than both other Parties, We can't put all the blame on the Politicians as the American people voted them into office, We the people are mostly the blame for letting our Government  get to this point, its just a matter of people getting off they lazy a-- and and sticking together and putting the right people in Office. The political Correctness is destroying this country. We need to quit pacifying  all the special interest groups and stop all the giveaway programs, to many people sitting on the front porch waiting for the postman to drop off a check. I could go on for ever. WHO DO WE TURN TO  :rolleye: CC?
Title: Re: Obama
Post by: Rich on November 13, 2009, 07:32:52 AM
Almost everyone thought I had lost what little sanity that I still had left when I told them before the election that Obama was a radical Muslim who had the intention to destroy America from within. Now look and see how much he has accomplished so far. Our country has never been so far in debt, and the unemployment rate is worse than it has been since the great depression. Obama's refusal to send 40,000 more troops in to Afghanistan has already caused more wounded  and killed American soldiers. I could go on, but you know what I mean already. Obama is the enemy of America, and there sure seems to be a lot of people who still can't seem to figure that out.
Title: Re: Obama
Post by: pitw on November 13, 2009, 07:46:41 AM
Quote from: Rich on November 13, 2009, 07:32:52 AM
Obama's refusal to send 40,000 more troops in to Afghanistan has already caused more wounded  and killed American soldiers. 

I ain't in no way defending Obama[and probably shouldn't be on this thread] but how can 40.000 more troopss cause less casualty's?  The Russians lived next door and figured out they couldn't win.
Title: Re: Obama
Post by: Rich on November 13, 2009, 10:12:32 AM

You get to have an opinion too.  :wink:  The General that Obama picked to be in charge over there has advised Obama that in order to win that war, 40,000 more troops were needed. Obama has not sent those troops. Who would best know how many troops were needed than the General?
Title: Re: Obama
Post by: Carolina Coyote on November 13, 2009, 11:36:59 AM
Pitw, No offense but America is not Russia and please DO NOT use that as a reference, if one of our Generals says with 40,000 more Troops he can win the war, Then ByGod give them to him, Americans don't run away from a fight and we have the capability to kick their A--.   :argh: cc
Title: Re: Obama
Post by: GunDog on November 13, 2009, 02:08:07 PM
QuoteAmericans don't run away from a fight and we have the capability to kick their A--. :argh:

I don't generally comment on these kind of threads. I leave it up to the elite smarter than me to figure out, and there are lots of them. But I have to agree with everything CC has stated here. We do have the ability to go in and kick some serious butt, but then again, it just wouldn't be "Politically Correct" to do so? I say the H*** with being politically correct. Do what has to be done and bring our hero's home! If not just forget it and bring our men home anyway, and let them kill each other off over there until they figure it out on their own............ ( I wonder what Gen. George Patton would do in a situation like this... :eyebrow:) This Country of "OURS" has it's own problems that need our attention more.......IMHO.......

A dear "OLD" friend once told me .... If you wish to make an enemy of someone ya just met, talk politics or religion...... :wink: ....... I do not wish to make enemy's of my new found friends .......

(EDITED - To say neither do I mean to Hi-Jack this thread! SORRY)
Title: Re: Obama
Post by: JohnP on November 13, 2009, 04:27:09 PM
Westmoreland wanted more troops and he got them, Abraham wanted more troops and he got them.  This is a war that we will not win, whatever the definition of win is.  Not because of our military but because of our lack of resolve as a nation.   Our politicians and the majority of the American people are ready to throw the towel in and stop the fight.  We haven't won a major war/skirmish/police action since the end of WWII and if we continue on this path we will never win another. 
Title: Re: Obama
Post by: pitw on November 13, 2009, 04:59:50 PM
Okay guys like I said earlier I probably shouldn't be here but I am.  :shrug:  I sure ain't trying to offend anyone and Canadians are losing people over there too. :sad:.  What I'm trying to figure out is how more troops can mean less casualty's?  Usually an escalation in numbers on one part of a ledger means larger numbers on another part of the same paper.  I believe if we leave them alone they can figure out their differences[They have since time :wink:]  The Russian reference was not to make one country to look like another but rather to point out what another major power learned.  I don't understand what we are doing there as there is no gain that I can see worth the lives of our citizens. :confused: 
Title: Re: Obama
Post by: Carolina Coyote on November 13, 2009, 05:53:25 PM
Pitw, Russia had no business being in Afghanistan to start with and thanks to the CIA and American Special Forces and a few Stinger missiles  convinced them to pull out," Remember 911" them Bastards killed a lot of innocent Americans and just last week another one of them killed and wounded a bunch more and you ask how is it going to save lives? Pulling out of Afghanistan will embodied them to do more of the same. Yes  Graveyards are full of Brave Americans who gave their life for the Freedom we enjoy including Canadians and if we are to maintain our Freedom they will  be a lot more to join them and I bet everyone of them would do it again if they could, The Day we start running will be the Day we lose that Freedom. Like JohnP said its the Politics that prevent us from winning not the Military, JohnP remember Granada, Panama, Desert Storm, you were probably there.  I 'm sorry Pitw you seem like a nice guy but you are in the wrong corner here. cc
Title: Re: Obama
Post by: Rich on November 13, 2009, 06:22:37 PM
" Remember 911"
Exactly, and if we simply pulled out now like PitW suggested, the terrorist's would see that as a victory for THEM. What would the terrorist's do next? Attack us on American soil, that's what!
Title: Re: Obama
Post by: NASA on November 13, 2009, 09:24:38 PM
Rich, that "radical Muslim" got into the White House using an old Joe Stalin trick.  It worked in the 20's and 30's, and it worked in 2008.  It's a tactic called a "Cult of Personality."
A cult of personality is created when a politician uses the country's mass media to create an idealized and heroic public image, often through unquestioning flattery and praise.  Cults of personality are commonly found in dictatorships and Stalinist governments.  A cult of personality is similar to "hero" worship, except that it is created specifically for political leaders. The Obama cultists have been brainwashed and surrendered their free-will to a polarized us-versus-them mentality.  Any attempts to expose the HMIC for the fraud he truly is, will fall deafly on their closed minds.
Title: Re: Obama
Post by: HaMeR on November 13, 2009, 11:30:40 PM
It worked quite well for Castro too.  :rolleye: 
Title: Re: Obama
Post by: Rich on November 14, 2009, 08:01:48 AM

Your explanation answers a question that has been haunting me for quite awhile. I couldn't figure out how these educated Democrats could come on public television and tell all of those bald faced lies. Now I know, thank you. I will never vote for a Democrat again though. Even though I am a Republican, I have always voted for the man who seemed the lesser of two evils. I am much more likely to vote a straight ticket now.
Title: Re: Obama
Post by: Jimmie in Ky on November 14, 2009, 12:53:09 PM
The greatest majority of the American public has been ignorant of the elitist socialist ideas of many of those in the democratic party.Mnay of these ideas are so far out in left field they are unbelievable. An they are learning that folks will and do fall for t smooth talker . They are going to use this until they suceed or the public wakes up. Jimmie
Title: Re: Obama
Post by: NASA on November 18, 2009, 10:06:55 PM
So what happened to the great Fox News bombshell revelation that was to be broadcast on Nov. 15?   I just received the same announcement e-mail today stating the exact same words (carefully omitting the "date") as in the first post of this thread.  Another hoax, I'm afraid. Probably some homo-Lib trying to jerk off the Conservatives for sport.
Title: Re: Obama
Post by: FinsnFur on November 19, 2009, 05:12:51 AM
I made a note to attempt to watch it and the forgot all about it afterward.
Haven't heard anything either from anyone else whether or not they seen anything, maybe it was a hoax, yeah.
Title: Re: Obama
Post by: NASA on November 19, 2009, 02:24:29 PM
The Non-Bow

The Crotch Salute

Another "Non-Bow"

We're Not Racists
Title: Re: Obama
Post by: Rich on November 19, 2009, 04:28:29 PM
I saw the face of our anti-American President appear on Television the other day, and he proudly announced that we can be assured that he is NOT going to reduce the number of troops in Afghanistan. Now ain't that just amazing?  The commanding General needs 40,000 MORE troops, but Obama wants us to believe that HE knows more about war than than our military does.
Title: Re: Obama
Post by: NASA on November 19, 2009, 07:07:14 PM
Well, of course he does.  He's a "community organizer".
