
Hunting => The Annual LBL Hunt => Topic started by: Frogman on February 08, 2010, 11:03:55 AM

Title: golfertrout puts fur down at LBL . . .
Post by: Frogman on February 08, 2010, 11:03:55 AM
I really enjoyed the LBL hunt this year.  What could be better than spending a few days with some great guys!  

One of the highlights for me though was the hunt I took on Friday (2/5/10) with golfertrout and msmith.  We parked the truck near the entrance to one of those impassable haul roads that run out a ridge.  After getting our gear ready we hiked out the road a couple hundred yards.  We found a good looking spot to set up, checked the wind and decided to give it a try.  We hung the Scorpion in a treee.  Golfertrout with his shotgun set up to the right of the road about 20 yards off the road.  Msmith set up to the left of the road.  I walked up the road a little ways and set up to cover the road in front of us.  We began this first stand of the day at about 9:15 AM.  After just a few minutes of calling I heard, Boom,       Boom, Boom, Boom in rapid succession.  Golfertrout had fur down!!  Here are some pictures . . .


In the above picture you can just barely see the dead coyote at the base of a tree.  Golfertrouts gun is pointing right at it about 20 yards away.  



Apparently two coyotes had come in to golfertrouts right rear.  He thought he got lead in both of them.  Msmith and I searched for the ther one, but it was drizzling rain and we couldn't find a blood trail or the other coyote.

Here is the happy hunter with his coyote . . .


And the three of us back at the truck . . .


Good shooting golfertrout!!  I will let golfertrout and msmith  complete the story  from their points of view!  Jump in here golfertrout and msmith . . .

Title: Re: golfertrout puts fur down at LBL . . .
Post by: msmith on February 08, 2010, 11:13:50 AM
Thanks for the hunt Jim. It was great to see fur on the ground fur sure.  :yoyo: (pun intended)
Title: Re: golfertrout puts fur down at LBL . . .
Post by: KySongDog on February 08, 2010, 11:41:26 AM
WTG, Dave!   Nice job guys!   
Title: Re: golfertrout puts fur down at LBL . . .
Post by: Jeb on February 08, 2010, 11:56:02 AM
Great job !  Congrats !!  :congrats: :congrats:
Title: Re: golfertrout puts fur down at LBL . . .
Post by: golfertrout on February 09, 2010, 07:24:39 AM
jim thanks for the hunt and its about time this ole fat guy got a coyote, its been so long since i seen a coyote i almost forgot what they looked like. :laf: anyone that hasnt went to lbl with this bunch is missing one heckuv a good time.  :yoyo:  i have hunted with Jim before but i have never hunted with msmith and i would like to say thanks to mike and i am sure we will get to hunt againand you will not find a better guy then mike and it was a pleasure to meet him and the rest of you dog hunters, you guys let me into your brotherhood and i am one happy feller :eyebrow: see you guys next year