
General => Non Hunting/Fishing Photos => Topic started by: HaMeR on August 19, 2010, 12:10:10 PM

Title: Canadian vacation pics
Post by: HaMeR on August 19, 2010, 12:10:10 PM
These are some of the largest lift locks in the World. They work on a very simple system. The upper lock always has 1' more water in it than the lower lock to push the lower lock to the top. Works every time!!  :biggrin:


Massive support piston. Had to be 6' across!!

The lock rests on the bottom here & the gates open to allow boats in/out.

View from the top.

This single lane tunnel runs under the entrance/exit of the upper locks. You can see the end of a liftlock ion the right upper corner.

A bit about the locks if you can read it.

I google searched the locks & attached the findings so you can read more about these locks if you like. These pages will have answers I don't.
Title: Re: Canadian vacation pics
Post by: vvarmitr on August 19, 2010, 02:35:34 PM
Wow you're in Canaduh!  :shock2:
Did you get to see Barry?  :shrug:
Title: Re: Canadian vacation pics
Post by: pitw on August 19, 2010, 02:49:02 PM
What's this Canadian vacation stuff :huh:,  I ain't seen ya :pout:.  Stop bye and the bed a fodder are on Wilma :wink:. That lock system would be about the right size for my gun room eh.   Thanks for the cool picks. :corn:
Title: Re: Canadian vacation pics
Post by: HaMeR on August 19, 2010, 03:11:29 PM
We were just above Toronto when you went lefty on that groundhog James.  :eyebrow:  Matter of fact the text came in during breakfast. What a way to start a vacation day. A good late breakfast & a pic of a "good" hog in a text!!  :yoyo: :yoyo:  Barry is on the other side of Canada.

Sorry Barry!! We never made it that far west.  :nono:  Someday I would like to tho. I know you're neck of the woodless woods has some beautiful country too.  :eyebrownod: :eyebrownod:
Title: Re: Canadian vacation pics
Post by: FinsnFur on August 19, 2010, 04:32:57 PM
Thats pretty wild :congrats:

I dont understand though, why it would have to have so much travel. Is there like a 25 foot difference in the water levels or something :confused:
Title: Re: Canadian vacation pics
Post by: JohnP on August 19, 2010, 05:36:12 PM
Thats' pretty neat.  Must of been an American engineer that designed it :innocentwhistle:
Title: Re: Canadian vacation pics
Post by: HaMeR on August 19, 2010, 08:20:05 PM
There was a large piece of that canal built specifically for that liftlock. It was some thing like 7km long & the drop is actually 65'.

The link gives all kinds of pictures & useful information.

The designer was Canadian & He went to France Belgium & England to look at existing models. There is another set of these locks not far from Peterborough.

We even got a tour of an electrical generator plant on the same river. That was really cool.  :biggrin:
Here's a sample pic. I have more if anybody is interested in them.  :innocentwhistle: