
General => Non Hunting/Fishing Photos => Topic started by: FOsteology on January 26, 2012, 06:24:03 PM

Title: A Little Something for the Newt Supporters
Post by: FOsteology on January 26, 2012, 06:24:03 PM
Enjoy fellas.....
Title: Re: A Little Something for the Newt Supporters
Post by: FinsnFur on January 26, 2012, 07:14:10 PM
imma = I'm going to  :laf: :laf:

Imma not vote for Newt :nono: His hand in the in the Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac schemes was a little ironic
Title: Re: A Little Something for the Newt Supporters
Post by: FOsteology on January 28, 2012, 01:56:11 PM
Newt comes with some baggage, but I feel his are "carry-on" in relation to Obama's cargo sized baggage.

What I really like about Newt is he is not afraid to be an American nor misunderstands what being an American is. Make no apology for what and who you are.

Title: Re: A Little Something for the Newt Supporters
Post by: Carolina Coyote on January 28, 2012, 04:42:17 PM
The People that put Obama in the WH are the one's trying to keep Newt out of the WH, if you believed them then are you gonna believe them now?  :innocentwhistle: cc
Title: Re: A Little Something for the Newt Supporters
Post by: FinsnFur on January 28, 2012, 10:18:22 PM
 :nono: Nope, didnt vote for Obama either
Title: Re: A Little Something for the Newt Supporters
Post by: Carolina Coyote on January 29, 2012, 08:23:20 AM
Jimbo I don't like all the negatives beening put out by any of the Canidates, I think most of the stuff is blown out of perportion and Newt did not start the negitives, I really don't have anything against any of the Canidates except Ron Paul and I think he gets a little squrrily at times and don't think he would have a chance against Obam, any one of them would be better than what we have. Glad to heard you did not vote for Obama.  :bowingsmilie: cc