
Hunting => Game Calls => Topic started by: Todd Rahm on August 09, 2006, 11:14:40 PM

Title: "Call maker and Collectors Guild"
Post by: Todd Rahm on August 09, 2006, 11:14:40 PM
What ya fellas think?

I'm all supprortive of this idea and venture. I know turkey and duck calls have been the main stay for many years, but its a nice oppertunity for predator call makers and collectors to get the foot in the door.

You could have some top notch contacts, great folks with great advice and how toos, and contest to show off some of your stuff.

Its still in begining stages, and yes it started out and evolved around "Turkey hunting and Turkey Calls" at first, but the fellas organizing seen better oppertunities and a bigger picture.

So what ya think?
Title: Re: "Call maker and Collectors Guild"
Post by: FinsnFur on August 10, 2006, 07:48:03 AM
Todd, Your thinking faster then your typing and you must have left half of what you were trying to say, behind...cuz that went by me so fast I couldn't even tell you what color it was :confused:

Run that by one more time :biggrin: :wink:

Title: Re: "Call maker and Collectors Guild"
Post by: Todd Rahm on August 10, 2006, 08:04:56 AM
Lol....Yip Jim exactly what I was doing.  :innocentwhistle: You know these night shifts make me a little off balanced.   :biggrin:

On Custom Calls Online they are discussing a Call builder and Collectors Guild...........of all types of calls and makers.

I was figuring I was a collector so it was a no brainer for me, but I was wondering what the spinners thought about it. Could be some great exposure, and the have call making  contest for all levels, that could quite possibly put "Predator Calls" on the map. I know some call makers were looking for this oppertunity.

Title: Re: "Call maker and Collectors Guild"
Post by: keekee on August 10, 2006, 09:06:25 AM
I would jump at the chance to put some calls in a contest!

Title: Re: "Call maker and Collectors Guild"
Post by: Brad H on August 10, 2006, 09:22:00 AM
I'm not entirely clear on what a "Guild" is, or where the hell that word came from?

I get the impression it's an actuall gathering of callmakers to showcase and demo their work on a level playing field? But with more emphasis on the demos rather than the selling. That part I like.

It sounds like a good idea if that's the plan.

Title: Re: "Call maker and Collectors Guild"
Post by: THO Game Calls on August 10, 2006, 05:32:13 PM
The Guild has already been formed.  They have elected officers and directors and are in the planining stages of a show.  You can get info on joining the Guild here

It's a slow file to load, but hang in there.  The fee is 35 per year.

There are some phenominal call makers in the Guild.  A look through the forum called General Discussion - Topics Other than Call Making on the Custom Calls On Line site  will give you all the info you need to see why the Guild was formed, and what it's goals and objectives are. 

I'm not sure how much it would benefit those of us who make predator calls. 

THO Game Calls

Title: Re: "Call maker and Collectors Guild"
Post by: Todd Rahm on August 10, 2006, 10:39:37 PM
I think you all three would be great additions, plus I think you could create some nice calls for the contest. It might just be worth a shot, or at least a nice test drive for two years. I say two because I think the first year will be the development year.

They say it will be equall to all...worse case a year or two it will be called the "Turkey Call Builders and Collectors Guild", but I'm doughting it for now and givng it a shot.
Title: Re: "Call maker and Collectors Guild"
Post by: THO Game Calls on August 11, 2006, 12:11:17 AM
Well Todd, there are a few threads running over there now that seem to spell it out pretty well what it is all about.  This is a quote from the current predient

"It will be all about fellowship and the love of turkeys!!! Turkey calls!!! Turkey hunting!!"

It was started because a bunch of guys got POed about what happened at the NWTF Nationals the last couple of years.  This was their way of fighting back.

Maybe I'm wrong, but I feel that as a predator call maker I would be treated like a red headed step child in the Guild, and if I want to feel that way, I know a place I can go and post where it wont cost me 35 bucks a year to do it.

I think what you will see down the road is that this turns into a clique.  It's already headed that way now.  I know the folks at the NWTF site are bent on putting them out of business. 

I wish it were different and that the reasons for it's formation were different, but things are the way they are sometimes.  It would be nice to have an organization that represented all call makers.  Maybe we need a Predator Call Makers and Collectors Guild.  I vote you for president.

THO Game Calls
Title: Re: "Call maker and Collectors Guild"
Post by: FinsnFur on August 11, 2006, 12:26:19 AM
They call it Custom and the guild spins around Turkey Hunting? :confused:

We could hold a miniature version of what I'm imagining theirs to turn out like. The questionable part would be if anything was judged, finding judges that are assumed completely unbiased.
Title: Re: "Call maker and Collectors Guild"
Post by: THO Game Calls on August 11, 2006, 05:46:01 AM
CustomCallsOnline has always been a two discipline board.  You have the Duck Call forum and the Turkey Call forum and then one for all other types of calls LOL.

There are some good folks over there, and some really fine call makers. 

But if you want to see some in fighting, drop into the the general discussion forums that host topics like the guild.  Now and then it gets pretty heated in the Turkey Call forum too.  (you think you had it bad on the dark side, you aint seen nothing yet) 

The big problem I see with the Guild is that they have an application form that asks what kind of calls you make, but there is no representation on the board of directors for anyone who doesn't make turkey calls, and the voting was done in secret, and the people elected were the ones who initially  had the hard on for the NWTF.  So one has to wonder as to the real objectives of the guild.

I think the idea of a call makers guild is a wonderful idea, and something that would help the craft, but it has to be formed for the right reasons, and it has to have members on the board who represent the interest of all forms of call making, not just one, and it shouldn't have a hidden agenda, especially if it is going to charge people to join and then use their moeny to further that agenda. 

I think I will sit it out for a while and see where things end up with the Guild.  Like I said, I think it is going to end up being a clicque of a few people pusing a private agenda.

THO Game Calls

I ediited this post because I thought maybe I was being a bit harsh, so I went back and looked through some of the old post and new about the Guild.

Recently Todd, you posted the following in the thread about What Do You Want To See The Guyild Be

"This is a good start in the information department. If'n ya fellas don't mind I'll start spreading the word with the Predator Call Makers and Collectors I know?

Todd "

Not one single reply.  Not one.  No one even ackowledged you.

I find that kind of thing disheartening, and enlightning all at the same time.

Title: Re: "Call maker and Collectors Guild"
Post by: Brad H on August 11, 2006, 09:08:41 AM
I don't go over there much so I'm still trying to catch up on what's been, and still is going on. I don't have an opinion at the monent but I still like the idea.

We'll see what the general attitude is toward the newest post in that thread.

Predator calls is an after thought there. I've always had that thought.


Title: Re: "Call maker and Collectors Guild"
Post by: Todd Rahm on August 11, 2006, 01:32:00 PM

I have or still had some of the reservations you have mentioned, and in one post asked a few of those questions. I have posted twice with minimum or no reply and I am watching to see what happens there. Matter fact, I might have to point out your observation, or post something there to turn on the lights.  :innocentwhistle:

One poster if not two mentioned what sparked the "guild" idea, but stated that a bigger picture developed. While I watched with suspicious eyes, and have no intent on being a cash cow for "Turkey" anything agenda, I really like the idea, for the right reasons. Sitting back for a while and watching is a super idea for anyone that might be interested in it. I have considered this too, but heck if I had a choice between this or your other option.......I'd pay the $35.  :roflmao:

I'm all for a "Predator Calls Maker and Collectors Guild" too,  :congrats:
Title: Re: "Call maker and Collectors Guild"
Post by: THO Game Calls on August 11, 2006, 03:08:52 PM
Well, never one to keep my mouth shut, I posted some questions over there about it.  Go read the reply.  I suppose it is just the CallDr's style but I get the feeling I was being talked down too.

I too am going to watch for a bit.  I still have the feeling that it is going to evolve into a good old boys club for certain membes, and turkey calls are going to the main focus.  Even the waterfoul guys over there are not showing much interest in it.  But then they have the CCAA. 

Guess I'll just go back to cleaning the garage.  Everytime my wife takes a day off, I end up working like a dog.

THO Game Calls

Title: Re: "Call maker and Collectors Guild"
Post by: Todd Rahm on August 11, 2006, 05:22:55 PM
I read that Al.