
Hunting => Predator Hunting => Topic started by: CCP on August 05, 2006, 09:41:55 AM

Title: Land between the lakes lives on
Post by: CCP on August 05, 2006, 09:41:55 AM
 Some of you may already know I make a yearly hunt at Land Between the Lakes in TN and KY. I have made this hunt for 4 years and will continue to make it a yearly event as long as I can physically make it .This year is no different; I will be there every year. There are others that also make it. Some have also been there for the past 4 years.

Well I would like to invite everyone there!!! If you are reading this or hear of this you are invited to meet up the first weekend of FEB. It will start Friday Feb 2 and run through Sunday Feb 4.

This is a  gathering of  coyote hunters, not a commercial or money-making deal. It is a good honest get together of friends. Jim is nice enough to let us use his board to organize the whole deal and give us a place to come and talk about the details.

There are no registration fees or added expenses of any kind.

I would love to have everyone's input and thoughts post it here or send comments to

Title: Re: Land between the lakes lives on
Post by: Bob D on August 05, 2006, 08:20:57 PM
What town is this close to and about how many coyotes are taken each year?
Title: Re: Land between the lakes lives on
Post by: centerfire_223 on August 06, 2006, 12:53:33 PM
Finally found someone that wants to talk about the LBL hunt.

CCP, is the date a set in stone date?

I am planning on going the following week, February 7-11. This would allow the hunters that go down for the week to be able to use their centerfire rifles all week long, instead of having to hunt with a rimfire part of the week.

Title: Re: Land between the lakes lives on
Post by: Jrbhunter on August 06, 2006, 01:55:28 PM
I've always wanted to make it to that hunt but I can't give up that same weekend for the Indiana Predator Challenge.  Perfect time of year to have a hunt, we've had real good weather the last few years and called up many many predators!   If you change the date please post it up- either this time around or next.  You guys will have to come "up" and visit us as well... only 2 hours north to the IPC hunt.
Title: Re: Land between the lakes lives on
Post by: CCP on August 06, 2006, 02:24:01 PM
  Centerfire 223 This is why we need everyone's input nothing in stone yet. As Feb nears I  would like to set up a vote on the dates so everyone has a say.I was planning on going that Fri and possibly staying the week. I do think the first weekend of the month would be the best before the pressure is there.

Title: Re: Land between the lakes lives on
Post by: bigben on August 07, 2006, 09:28:16 AM
what is the nearest town address that way I can mapquest it and see how far.  with gas prices allready high i think the only logical way is to carpool.  also what kind of lisencing would you need.  excuse my ignorance this would be my first time there.
Title: Re: Land between the lakes lives on
Post by: centerfire_223 on August 07, 2006, 12:47:37 PM
Cadiz, KY is close on the Kentucky side. From Cadiz it is only about 10 miles to the LBL. It is definately worth the drive to make this hunt. You will meet some of the best coyote callers in the East and make some great friendships. I look forward to this hunt from the time I leave on the last day till the following year.
Title: Re: Land between the lakes lives on
Post by: bigben on August 07, 2006, 05:43:59 PM
est 744 miles that is a good distance to travel.  I will still keep it in mind.  but I think I will definately be bringin a friend along to split the cost of fuel.  what is the cost of liscence and how much to stay there.  gotta start saving if it will be possible.  I will have to see if rockfish will be willin to go.  I believe centerfire knows him pretty good.
Title: Re: Land between the lakes lives on
Post by: centerfire_223 on August 08, 2006, 07:31:48 AM
I do know Rockfish, he has come down a couple of times and bowfished with me.

I think license are about $50 bucks or so and the rooms are about the same per night. There is always people looking to share the expenses on the rooms. The cabin are super nice and well kept. I can't wait myself.

It's a ton of fun out there and getting to hunt with the guys I met here makes it even better. I hope to see you out there.
Title: Re: Land between the lakes lives on
Post by: Greenside on August 08, 2006, 07:48:42 AM
Is this the PM hunt?

Title: Re: Land between the lakes lives on
Post by: Todd Rahm on August 08, 2006, 07:58:32 AM
Doh!  :innocentwhistle:
Title: Re: Land between the lakes lives on
Post by: FinsnFur on August 08, 2006, 08:09:31 AM
Greenside, this is a hunt that's held down on the Kentucky / Tennessee Border every year. Originally named the LBL Hunt.

Title: Re: Land between the lakes lives on
Post by: Greenside on August 08, 2006, 09:22:47 AM
What we seem to be forgetting, Bob, is that the LBL was organized through PM. Without PM, those attending and having fun would have had no forum to use to gather together for all that fun and fellowship. So, no matter who, what, when or where, PM was there from the start.


That's from Buker on PM

Looked to me like Fins and fur might be a good gathering place for all that fun and fellowship!   :innocentwhistle:
Title: Re: Land between the lakes lives on
Post by: Jrbhunter on August 08, 2006, 11:06:10 AM
Wow, what a fine bunch of fellas over there on PM.  :rolleye:

By the way... who are some folks that regularly attend the LBL?  I just read Centerfire's post about guys from the east- wondering who they are and how many folks you expect to attend?   

If it were a week later in February, after the IPC and into rifle season, I could get my group to go down... it won't happen with shotguns and schedule conflicts though.  I'll keep an eye on this thread for changes.
Title: Re: Land between the lakes lives on
Post by: centerfire_223 on August 08, 2006, 01:37:46 PM
There was right at 40 there last year.
Title: Re: LBL Hunt lives on.
Post by: Bob D on August 09, 2006, 05:37:16 PM
Does anyone know the number of coyotes taken during this hunt last year? I would like to go if there are enough coyotes to go around.
Title: Re: LBL Hunt lives on.
Post by: centerfire_223 on August 09, 2006, 06:43:53 PM
There are a ton of coyotes out there but probably some of the smartest ones I have ever had any dealings with. If I remember right there were 5 killed but numerous ones called in.

The first year I was out there I called in 5 with 0 kills. Last year I called in 2 with 1 kill and the other should have been killed. But I either choked or hit a limb. The coyote was going through some thick stuff trying to get down wind. Probably CHOKED though!!!

Seems like I was told that the LBL had one of the highest concentrations of coyotes east of the Mississippi, acre for acre.
Title: Re: LBL Hunt lives on.
Post by: canine on August 09, 2006, 07:54:39 PM
The best thing I liked about them was how vocal they are. They are not shy about talkin back to ya!

I am still sick about that solid white coyote that backdoored us out there last year. If he's still there i'd like to get a crack at him this year.

One of the best thing's about the hunt Bob, is the friendships made and time spent around the campfire BS'n. :wink:
Hope you decide to make it!

Title: Re: LBL Hunt lives on.
Post by: Bob D on August 09, 2006, 08:39:39 PM
Hey Canine, You just talked me into going. was that easy or what? I look forward to meeting you and the rest of the people that post on this forum. I would like to partner up with some of you Pro's and learn how it's supposed to be done!
Title: Re: LBL Hunt lives on.
Post by: canine on August 09, 2006, 09:45:03 PM
Easy with that word Bob "Pro's"   :eyebrownod:

I've seen that word cause alot of trouble..  :eyebrow:

From the pics you been posting along with stories, you seem to be doin just fine.. :congrats:

Be glad to meet ya at the hunt. I gaurantee you'll enjoy the commraderie! That's what this hunt is all about :wink:

Title: Re: Land between the lakes lives on
Post by: CCP on August 09, 2006, 10:10:00 PM
 Been in and out lately sorry for not replying earlier.Dover Tn is on the lower side located at the entrance to LBL. I always stay at the Dover motel but will be at Wranglers camp ground this year. Centerfire .223 is correct there were around 40 people there last year. I didn't get to meet everyone last year but everyone I have spoken to were top notch guys. There are plenty of coyotes there for everyone. lots of guys there with lots of no how and different styles of hunting. I is the learning and sharing of knowledge that I enjoy and maybe  a little of the B.S. :biggrin: :biggrin:

We have lots of info on western coyote hunters and western coyotes. I enjoy learning from eastern hunters about eastern coyotes. If you are from the east this is a must attend hunt. The LBL coyotes are some of the hardest coyotes for me. I will always go to LBL 1st weekend in FEB

Title: Re: LBL Hunt lives on.
Post by: Greenside on August 10, 2006, 01:54:03 PM
Does everyone hunt on the LBL or  do some move out into the surrounding states? Looking at the map  the LBL appears to be about 10x40 miles? I'd think that would get to be abiit crowded if there were about  20 trucks with two hunters each. You must hear some other hunters howling, callling or a least bump into them when going in or out?
Title: Re: Land between the lakes lives on
Post by: Jimmie in Ky on August 10, 2006, 02:35:25 PM
Started sending folks here yesterday so I thought I should go ahead and join up :eyebrow:

Folks have an easy time remembering things when you set traditions. That way they know they can set things up year after year and plan ahead. If I remember right this will be the sixth year of friends gathering to hunt and have a good time doing what we love to do. Which is mainly shoot the bull :biggrin: First weekend of Feb, the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th. Should the first fall on saturday or sunday it would fall to trhe following full weekend.

ANy one planning on coming should check out the link to LBL. HTTP://

If it becomes booked up at wranglers for that weeekend, there were only two empty cabins left last year, you can check out area accomodations at

If you need any other info just holler at me or CCP

Last year there were 39 people that visited us at the LBL. Some were not members at PM , they just came by to check us out and see what we were about.

Our Chili cook and several of the originals have already committed to attending. I may have also added an old and dear friend to the mix, GC. I believe that Chris will be returning with him. GC is very well learned in the art of chasing mountian country coyotes and kitties. It would be a good chance for you to pick his brain about how he does it. Lord willing and the creek don't rise he will be there.

Because the LBL is a public use area, the animals see more humans in a day that the average farm ground coyote in the east. They have adapted to this place and it's terrain very well. These are probably the toughest animals to get a shot at in the eastern U.S. . They will test the best hunters there are out there. The hunters I know of that have been able to achieve a high success rate in there are very darned few, and even his success rate is low compared to the numbers of animals called in. And no it isn't me! The gentleman makes his living hunting, trapping ,and fishing here in western Ky.I keep hoping I can get him to give a skinning demo sometime. Jimmie

Title: Re: LBL Hunt lives on.
Post by: centerfire_223 on August 10, 2006, 03:27:08 PM
Most people hunt the LBL or at least the ones I have talked to. You may run into someone ever now and then but not very often. Last year I never ran into anyone while in the woods but I did see a couple of guys at their vehicles.

An area 10 miles by 40 miles is a LOT of acres. You can wear out several pairs of boots out there. If you don't want to run into another person, just take off down some of those blocked off roads. You can walk for miles back through them.

One things for certain I have never seen as much coyote sign as their is out there. You could take all of my farms here and put them together and not get as much sign as is out there.
Title: Re: Land between the lakes lives on
Post by: FinsnFur on August 10, 2006, 05:00:42 PM
Yeah....I see that now. I just replied to yours. :sneer:
Eyyyy welcome 2 the board :wink:
Title: Re: LBL Hunt lives on.
Post by: Jimmie in Ky on August 11, 2006, 12:00:25 AM
Greenside, The LBL is kind of like going out west but worse. You get to experience rough terrain and plenty of dogs . Even last year they called in around thirty or so and the populations was cut in half by a disease among the pups. The worse part is that sign is everywhere and it all looks like there should be a coyote behind each tree. It is so steep and rugged that sound does not carry out of the hollow you are in and the thermal winds from the lakes are playing games you know nothing about until you experience them. I have done setups thinking I had the wind fully in my face and control only to light a smoke and watch it make a turn ten feet from me to go down into the hollow I was calling.

In a normal year there are somewhere in the neighborhood of 500 to 600 coyotes living in that 400 square miles. They eat everything that doesn't move and most of what does  :rolleye: Calling in a single in those years is an uncommon event. They come to the calls in groups of five to seven and one of those has already circled to come in the back door to make you run into the group in front of you. Sound like fun? During the time we will be there dispersal and breeding will be well under way. You may find parts of coyote scattered all over an area the size of a football field, they don't tolerate strangers too well.

As for other coyote hunters, if you stay away from the entrances you don't have a lot of problems. I myself have managed to run into others working an area only once in as long as I have been hunting it. We could take fifty teams of hunters in there and not cover it in a week! Jimmie
Title: Re: Land between the lakes lives on
Post by: FinsnFur on August 11, 2006, 12:17:29 AM
I think I may have created some problems for you guys. :confused:

I wanted to post the LBL on the Calendar ( automatically dumps a copy into the Events ( Forum.

Rich had this thread going first and now you guys are hopping from forum to forum trying to discuss this thing.

No ones doing anything wrong, don't get me wrong....but would you guys like me to merge the two?....or just leave it as it is?
Title: Re: Land between the lakes lives on
Post by: CCP on August 11, 2006, 09:38:55 AM
 I think merging them would be good
Title: Re: Land between the lakes lives on
Post by: Jimmie in Ky on August 11, 2006, 01:06:39 PM
I agree with Rich, as long as it isn't a big deal to do. Jimmie
Title: Re: Land between the lakes lives on
Post by: FinsnFur on August 11, 2006, 11:21:32 PM
Nope, no problem at all.....done. :wink:
Title: Re: Land between the lakes lives on
Post by: Bob D on August 12, 2006, 01:04:00 PM
Questions about the LBL Hunt

Are atv's allowed on this land? If they are allowed is the terrain too rough for an atv? For those like myself who have never been there, do we just get out there and hunt or is there a hunting plan coordinated with the other hunters there? Can we get a sign up sheet going as to who will be attending? Will you try to get hotel reservations for the hunters or are we on our own? Are there local eating establishments or do we bring our beannie weannies?

Title: Re: Land between the lakes lives on
Post by: CCP on August 12, 2006, 01:28:55 PM
ATV's are not allowed in area's you can hunt.

"Just get out there and hunt!! We sometimes break out the maps and discuss were we have seen coyotes.There is enough property you should not run into anyone. The hills are steep and sound doesn't travel far,a person does not have to travel far to call.

I don't see a problem with a sign up sheet maybe posted at the top.Still keep discussions here.

I will try and get #'s to the Dover motel on the TN side and Wranglers Camp ground number.

  We can call and set up our own reservations there has always been room to spare but,would suggest calling a month ahead to to be sure. I would think it best to wait and see who all will be there. A lot of guys bunk together saves money.

Food only food I know of is in Dover on the TN side Mc D's,  subway and a restaurant. Someone on the KY side can chime in here.

If anyone knows the phone number please post.

I would also like to see Brent (KeeKee) come on in and help with some of the info he has a lot of experience with this.
Title: Re: Land between the lakes lives on
Post by: Mallardsr on August 12, 2006, 01:51:30 PM
Dover Inn  931-232-5556
1545 Donelson Pkwy

Owners :Mike & Brenda Ford
They have 30 Units to include some cabins.
Title: Re: Land between the lakes lives on
Post by: straycat on August 12, 2006, 07:14:38 PM
Glad to see all the fine folks on here !  :bowingsmilie:  If all goes well  Thurs and nothing else happens I plan on being at the LBL to see all my 'hero's '. :roflmao:  It will be something I've looked forward to since the day I left last Feb.Great bunch of guys ,could'nt ask for a nicer,more helpful group of some of the best hunters and callers going.
Title: Re: Land between the lakes lives on
Post by: Rick223 on August 12, 2006, 07:58:17 PM
Welcome! welcome! straycat glad you signed up hope to see alot of posts :yoyo:
Title: Re: Land between the lakes lives on
Post by: centerfire_223 on August 13, 2006, 07:03:13 AM
I guess the closest food on the Ky side would be in Cadiz. From Wranglers campground that is about 20 miles or so.

We always just cook up a couple of pots of soup or chili at home then freeze them. that works great, just bring a crockpot and put it on in the mornings and when you come back at night supper hot and ready.

Just remember nothing gas is allowed inside the cabins at Wranglers. Oh and you better bring you an electric HEATER!!!
Title: Re: Land between the lakes lives on
Post by: Jimmie in Ky on August 13, 2006, 07:38:05 AM
Lets see if I can answer all of that for you Bob.

No atv use. Terrain is pretty rugged and a really good pair of hiking boots is recomended. I took a fall myself last year even wearing good boots :rolleye: You would think that I would know better.

Acomodations you will have to set up yourself. I highly recomend Wranglers campground. Much cheaper than the surrounding hotels and almost centrally located within the LBL heres the link

For eats, all establishments are outside of the LBL. If we do fill the place up and have a lot in attendance we may be able to get the gal at the restaraunt to open up for that saturday, don't count on that though. Bring everything you will need for the 3 days. Cabins are equipped with electricity and have enough juice to run a hot plate and coffee maker. They supply a heater that will warm a small cabin , but they are definately lacking in the large ones, UNLESS it is my cabin where the hot air flows freely  :biggrin:

As for hunting, you can select the area you would like to work yourself. I recomend you download the road and zone map available at the link above so you can study it and get an idea of what you would like to do. I do a lot of the scouting through the winter before all of you come down so that your odds of locating a few are much better. At least I try to have some idea of what the groups are doing by then.Some years it is easy ,and other years all depend on the weather and hunter pressure. Mild winter and there will be squirrel hunters in there every day with their dogs and they pretty much cover the LBL. Let it get good and cold and I will have the place to myself after CHristmas.

ALl that said; follow the rules they have for road use!! If it is not a marked and numbered road , stay off of it. Do not drive out into the fields to park your vehicle!  If something should happen I do have a cell phone and will give you the number when you get there just in case we have to send someone out to get you and your stuck vehicle since some of the marked roads are not that good and require a four wheel drive vehicle. There are not many roads in that bad a shape but there are a few of them.  I will try to have those found by the time of the hunt. They are trying to bring all th roads up into good condition but it takes time with the limited funds Congress hands out. Most of the LBL's funds come from area use fees.

One of the use fees is the LBL hunting permit required . It cost's twenty or twenty five dollars and can be bought online at the state wildlife websites of both Ky and Tenn.

Did I miss anything guy's? Jimmie
Title: Re: Land between the lakes lives on
Post by: straycat on August 14, 2006, 12:51:56 PM
  For all of the out of state guys planning on attending the LBL. NOTE: These are 2005-2006 prices........ KY Non resident 5 day small game license - 32.50                    LBL user permit both resident and non resident - 20.00

Wrangler campground cabins -  small: sleeps 4 - 32.00              large: sleeps 8 - 52.00        prices per day
Prices my be slightly more this year.

Hope this helps,Joel
Title: Re: Land between the lakes lives on
Post by: Jimmie in Ky on August 15, 2006, 11:08:27 AM
They have changed the reservation system up this year. I need to call up there and find out just how it works for certain. But I can tell you that all the cabins are available for those dates. As soon as I know something about it I will post it.

Whether you are a newbie or an old timer. I hope you come down and at least visit with us for a spell.You will be treated like family :biggrin: Jimmie
Title: Re: Land between the lakes lives on
Post by: studabaka on August 16, 2006, 12:00:31 PM
Can you tell us a little about climate and what we might expect?

Also, I noticed that cat season ends 1/31. Is there a significant cat population there and would it make sense for us to consider coming a couple days early and having a go at them?

Thanks for all the info :highclap:
Title: Re: Land between the lakes lives on
Post by: Jimmie in Ky on August 16, 2006, 02:28:40 PM
As far as climate goes we just have to wait and see what the winter is like. It could be another mild one or bitter cold. We never really know for sure how it will be until that week. Our first hunt was bitterly cold at night and barely above freezing during the day. We had our 3rd hunt in dang near our shirt sleeves. It got to fifty that saturday and winds were light all day. Last year was very moderate with lows above freezing and highs around forty or so.Winds were at ten to fifteen for saturday with cloud cover.

The cat population is good. Last winter it was hard to get out of the truck without seeing some sort of sign from a cat. Cat hunting is with mouth calls only!  I only managed to call in one last year and did not get a shot at it in the cover I was working. Where I have seen them is up on the ridges in late afternoon and early evening.  There seems to be at least one cat for every drainage up there. Finding them during legal hours is the problem, it all looks so good. I know of at least two large toms, and no I aint a tellin'  :sneer: I haven't gotten mine yet.

If I were coming down for a cat, I would come down on the sunday before. Gives you time to look around and find an area to concentrate on.Jimmie
Title: Re: Land between the lakes lives on
Post by: Mallardsr on October 03, 2006, 08:25:20 PM
Title: Re: Land between the lakes lives on
Post by: bowhuntr09 on November 29, 2006, 09:47:20 AM

Would this hunt be a worthwhile trip for a couple of newbies from VA? We are both as green as it gets to coyote hunting and any predator hunting for that matter. I have been trying with no luck for the past year or so, but there just not in my area in any great numbers and to the best of my knowledge I have never had one respond. I have a couple of mouth blown calls, a FX-3, couple of DVD's including Keekee's "Calling in the East" and Byron South's "Calling in the Thick Stuff" but really need someone experienced to show me the ropes. Is there anyone going who would be interested and willing to help school a couple of newbies? It's a long way to go just beat my head against a tree.  :eyebrownod:
Title: Re: Land between the lakes lives on
Post by: slagmaker on November 29, 2006, 10:46:42 AM
First beating your head agaisnt a tree wont call in coyotes, maybe woodpeckers but coyotes just arnt intrested in the hollow sound that your head makes.

I wont be able to go to the LBL but I am sure that there will be people there that would be more than happy to show you the ropes. Sounds like you are off to a good start with your equipment and educational material.
Title: Re: Land between the lakes lives on
Post by: FinsnFur on November 29, 2006, 11:24:45 AM
I'd say most definitely Bowhuntr.
Keep in mind there is no guarantee you or anyone else is gonna put any furdown. But it's certainly a great place to learn somethings from some seasoned callers.

You won't be the only one looking for tips and advise, and we encourage your presence. This is not a contest or competition in anyway. This is a hunt to gather amongst friends, meets new ones, and teach a few things to those that are looking.

I'm gonna show ALL theses pro's a little something when I get there.  :iroll:  :laf:

By the way...welcome to the site.
Title: Re: Land between the lakes lives on
Post by: bowhuntr09 on November 29, 2006, 01:41:54 PM
Thanks for the welcome! I have been going to the "other" site for a couple of years...didn't know this one had popped up. I guess what I am hoping for if we can make it out is that we will not be left to our own devices and just bumbling through the woods "hoping" we are doing it right. It would be nice to know we could team up with someone experienced to see how its done.