
Hunting => Big Game => Topic started by: pitw on December 08, 2018, 10:48:56 AM

Title: No pics
Post by: pitw on December 08, 2018, 10:48:56 AM
  Yesterday morning was a go get some elk for a bunch of friends [6] as I/we had found a small herd of 27 that could be worked a mite.  5 guys went North of the herd to get in position for when I drove them their way.  As usual plans just don't always work as I got to where my push was to start them dang elk were heading straight at me at a very rapid pace.  I figured someone had got to close to them and spooked them my way so I just waited and shot a yearling cow at about 70 yds.  This did nothing to turn the herd as they continued South past me.  The crew showed up and 3 of them fella's just through my elk in a truck and we got into find the herd again.  My buddy and I headed home to start making food outta mine.  Well as we get close to my house we see the herd coming from the West so buddy runs out in the field to see what will happen.  The herd ran up to him like he was a long lost member and down went another fine young cow 400 yds from the house.  Once again the crew showed up and loaded that one with mine.  Davey said he was taking his to a fellow south of us for butchering, so looking at -23c temps and getting lazy I allowed him to take mine too :biggrin:. 
  The lads got another from the herd 2 miles North and 1 East of my house and last I saw of the tracks the herd was within 1/2 mile from where we started.   
   The difference between where Okanagan hunts elk and me/us is so striking it's kinda/sorta comical.  Let me tell you guys that Oke and his crew ain't lazy folk :readthis: .   I'd sure like to do a side by side taste test from similar animals from the two regions as ours have been eating the best hay and green feed in the area.
Camera was froze up so the reason for no pics. :doh2:
Title: Re: No pics
Post by: coyote101 on December 08, 2018, 11:07:57 AM
You make it sound easy Barry.  :biggrin:

Title: Re: No pics
Post by: Okanagan on December 08, 2018, 05:21:09 PM
WTG!  :highclap: Great plan, great chase and great read.  Wish we could do a taste comparison.  I killed a spike one year that had lived all summer and Fall in a barley field.  He was mighty fine table fare.  At my age, I'd prefer your situation for hunting elk. 

Title: Re: No pics
Post by: FinsnFur on December 08, 2018, 08:27:10 PM
I'd like to take the Elk taste test too :eyebrownod:
Is there as place to sign up?
Title: Re: No pics
Post by: Hawks Feather on December 09, 2018, 06:08:38 PM
Sounds like a fairly easy hunt, but the temps seem pretty low.
