It is 4/18/09 and 9:18 pm and I have a bunch of white writing above the Welcome to Fins and Fur Forums headline. The writing is superimposed over the cartridges????? Here is a copy . . .
// SMF Media Gallery extra strings $txt['mgallery_gallery'] = 'Gallery'; $txt['mgallery_profile_sum'] = 'Summary'; $txt['mgallery_view_items'] = 'View items'; $txt['mgallery_view_coms'] = 'View comments'; $txt['mgallery_gotolink'] = 'More details...'; $txt['permissiongroup_mgallery'] = 'SMF Media Gallery'; $txt['permissiongroup_simple_mgallery'] = 'SMF Media Gallery'; $txt['permissionname_mgallery_access'] = 'Access Gallery'; $txt['permissionname_mgallery_moderate'] = 'Moderate Gallery'; $txt['permissionname_mgallery_manage'] = 'Administrate Gallery'; $txt['permissionname_mgallery_access_unseen'] = 'Access unseen area'; $txt['permissionname_mgallery_search'] = 'Search in Gallery'; $txt['permissionname_mgallery_download_item'] = 'Download items'; $txt['permissionname_mgallery_add_user_album'] = 'Add User Albums'; $txt['permissionname_mgallery_auto_approve_albums'] = 'Auto-approve User Albums'; $txt['permissionname_mgallery_add_videos'] = 'Add videos'; $txt['permissionname_mgallery_add_audios'] = 'Add audio files'; $txt['permissionname_mgallery_add_images'] = 'Add pictures'; $txt['permissionname_mgallery_rate_items'] = 'Rate items'; $txt['permissionname_mgallery_edit_own_com'] = 'Edit own comments'; $txt['permissionname_mgallery_report_com'] = 'Report comment'; $txt['permissionname_mgallery_edit_own_item'] = 'Edit own items'; $txt['permissionname_mgallery_comment'] = 'Comment in items'; $txt['permissionname_mgallery_report_item'] = 'Report items'; $txt['permissionname_mgallery_auto_approve_com'] = 'Auto-approve comments'; $txt['permissionname_mgallery_auto_approve_item'] = 'Auto-approve items'; $txt['permissionname_mgallery_multi_upload'] = 'Mass Upload'; $txt['permissionname_mgallery_viewprofile'] = 'View anyone\'s Gallery profile'; $txt['permissionname_mgallery_whoratedwhat'] = 'View who rated what'; $txt['cannot_mgallery_viewprofile'] = 'You cannot view Gallery profiles'; // End SMF Media Gallery strings
Yeah I had that also but it was my whole screen couldn't read my pm's or any new posts
I posted too soon. Jim mentioned in the thread about picture albums, that he was working on it and we could expect to see the writing.
Oh Ok
But I couldn't read that :laf:
Stop It Jimbo :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:
We us juss tryin to help???