
General => The Tailgate => Topic started by: cathryn on April 22, 2009, 06:19:30 AM

Title: How does your garden grow?
Post by: cathryn on April 22, 2009, 06:19:30 AM
How many of you raise your own garden and what varieties of vegetables do you plant?

we put in potatoes, corn,tomatoes,peppers,beans,squash, melons,onions,cabbage,cukes, and leaf lettuce to name a few.

do yo have a favorite variety of vegetable that you plant every year?

i have some tomato seeds that my grandma saved years ago im gonna plant that im gonna plant this year.

do ya;ll use commercial fertilizer or do you go the way of organics?

i know its alot of questions but i love planning ,growing and harbesting a garden.

The things i grow and put up for winter give me a really great sense of accomplishment.
Title: Re: How does your garden grow?
Post by: Silencer on April 22, 2009, 06:31:54 AM
Since we've moved into town, ( like a few years now ) I dont have the room for a decent garden and the neighbors tree block most if not all the sun.  BUT....
I planted one for many years, maters, squash, cukes, raddish, carrots and leaf lettuce.   
  In early spring I'd spread manure then till it in later.  Then before I planted I'd use commercial ..I forget the exact mixture.. 10-7-10 maybe  :doh2: :wo:  ????

There's not much more gratification than growing/raising your own food, plus its a stress reliever.  I love working in a garden on a summer afternoon with a cold beer. 

When you get er goin Cathryn, take some pics of the different stages  :yoyo:
Title: Re: How does your garden grow?
Post by: Hidehunter on April 22, 2009, 07:22:40 AM
Mr. Stripey tomatoes and yellow crookneck squash is my favorite.  We just have a small garden but it will have peppers (banana and bell) some cukes, lettuce, potatoes and some bicolor corn (peaches and cream).  I wish I could get started on it but its snowing here this morning.
Title: Re: How does your garden grow?
Post by: pitw on April 22, 2009, 07:31:46 AM
Peas, carrots, onions, potato's, tomato's, corn, strawberries, rasberries, beats, turnips, cucumbers, pumpkins and a few others will all be in the ground by May 20th.  We are what we eat and we've decided we don't want to be fast food here.  We put composted manure and straw on the garden to help keep it producing and not get so hard that you can't tell the difference between it and cement.  Fresh from the garden or home preserved makes for mighty fine table fare and also teachs the youngun's the life cycle rather well.
Title: Re: How does your garden grow?
Post by: Carolina Coyote on April 22, 2009, 06:01:51 PM
I use to plant a big garden, to big, we used 10-10-10 fertilizer on most everything, now days the only thing I plant is Peanuts about 1/10 of an ac and I use a lot of organic material on the peanuts as they do not like strong fertilizer. Nothing better than Boiled new crop Peanuts. cc
Title: Re: How does your garden grow?
Post by: msmith on April 22, 2009, 07:39:13 PM
We do the same veggies as everone else. In the corn lline we grow Silver Queen, Peaches and Cream, Extacy, and the 'ol standby Iochief. The peaches and cream and extacy are SE corns. As far as tomatoes, my wife and her mother have been saving seed since 1984 calle 84 tomatoes, go figger. They are a red tomatoe with less acid than most. We also grow Adams Rib which is a yellow tomatoe with a red stripe. Beans, Kentucky wonders, Half Runners, and Limas. Of course we grow taters and sweet taters. Other things we grow and eat are; peas, leaf lettuce, chinese cabbage, zuccini squash, yellow squash, pumpkins, blue berrys, black berries, peaches, and pears. In the garden we use commercial fertilizer as well as occasional cow manure.