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Moonlight coyote

Started by nailbender, January 01, 2007, 11:36:55 PM

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  Well the snow came through here and dropped about 4 inches yesterday. Early this morning the wind died down and I was out the door before sunrise.  Had to check a few traps before I could go hunting.  I was glad they were empty today.
   Started out  calling at daybreak 1/4 mile up the fenceline behind my place, no takers. Moved around the area scouting fresh sign and making a few stands and calling into the early afternoon.  By this time a buddy of mine had joined me, we decided to wait  for late afternoon and try again.
   He came back at 4pm and shortly after we headed for our first stand.  By the time we got there the sun was setting fast but the moon was bright on the snow. We  were on a big pile at the back of an old gravel pit with a good veiw of the river to the east and beanfield to the north.
   John wanted to use his new toy on this stand ( FX3) but he let me join in with group howls (couldnt help it). :laf:
   At the fifteen minute mark this nice coyote came in to 50 yards all the way across the open field.  They won't do that around here in the daytime!  John dropped him with the .243 65 gr. vmax. No exit DRT.   Great start to the new year! :yoyo:
    I see the dates off on my camera.


Beautifull  :congrats:

Couldn't help howling with the FoxPro?  Been there  :laf:  ...it works too  :eyebrownod:
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Good job on the coyote!

What part of NW IA  are you from? Don't get to hung up on the perception that coyotes can't be called into the open during the day. In fact, I suspect that up to 50% of your stands or setups should be made in the wide open corn and bean stubble. That's assuming that your terrain has somewhat of a coyote roll and is not totally  flat and black.


  Isn't much coyote roll around here (Sheldon). In fact its hard to get out of veiw of the truck.!  Hard to get the few we have to respond any time other than sunrise/sunset. Now if I drive 30-40 miles one way or another things improve quite a bit.


LOL, Spent last Friday night at your local super 8 :shck: That 30 mile drive to one of the Sioux's or the Rock's might be a good idea! That flat and black is hard to call, not only from the hiding aspect but also from a numbers stand point.


Way to start the new year Nailbender! Hope there are many more coyotes in your sights through 2007.
Right thing easy, wrong thing hard...


Nice Coyote! Congrads!

Wind and rain here all weekend, 25 plus MPH yesterday, oh, did I say it was raining again?



Quote from: Greenside on January 02, 2007, 01:20:45 PM
LOL, Spent last Friday night at your local super 8 :shck:

  Well hell!  Next time you're in the neighborhood give a shout!  I'm only 4 miles from the super 8.
   We've got some good ground lined up along the Little Sioux but had to wait for the deer hunters to finish. Maybe next weekend!

R Buker

Happy New Year!  I hope it's the first of many for the year!