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Is this the Norm down south

Started by pitw, December 08, 2009, 05:49:39 PM

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Wow...I didn't realize WV had gotten that out of hand. Word of caution to you WV folks...be very cautious of landowners that welcome you on their land with banjos playing in the background :innocentwhistle:


Hey Coulter! Need a place to hunt?  :innocentwhistle:



We have so many folks out of work here that it is getting worse than I have ever seen......I even had some fellas this year come walking toward my tree stand with a chainsaw....About 100 yds. from the old abandoned road .........they were talking about cutting a new trail around all the mud holes........ :argh: :argh: :argh:  

They ran off a nice 8 pt from me!!!!!!   We had quite the little chat....... :eyebrownod:

I will be driving someone to the magistrate soon .....I can see it coming.

Another problem here is Poker runs........they will have a couple of hundred ATV's enter the poker run and someone will mark a trail with paint and ribbons for them to follow.......Problem is I paid a couple of thousand dollars for my land survey and the person marking the roads dose not care if he marks private land or public road.......so if I dont keep up removing his paint and ribbons my survey will be lost....mixed up with his trashing of my trees..........even cutting some that are in his way..... :argh: :argh:


You should line their paths with nails and post a sign saying it is lined with nails.  When they notice everytime they go in there their tires go flat maybe they would reconsider.  Unless they are like some of the crackheads around home and are to stupid to put 2 and 2 together.

Jimmie in Ky

Between the lawyers and scumbags , it is almost a nescescity . Pot grower slips in and cuts his leg on a fence your in for a lawsuit if he has the cohonies.  Even folks you let in to do work for you have no respect for your property anymore. You can bet someone sliping in there to hunt ilegally has no respect for you or your fences.  Catching them and prosecuting them almost impossible. You have to twist a few arms with the law to get attention . It helps if you promise to gift wrap the bad guys for them. Jimmie


QuoteIs this the Norm down south

Not this far South yet. We still say "Yes Sir and No Sir here"



In NH the landowner can only be held liable if they are charging a fee to a person using the land. This is one reason leasing land for hunting isnt popular here...due to the accompanying liability. Also if land here is not posted it is considered open for recreational use, hunting, hiking, etc. Its better to ask and the land owner can tell you to leave and you have to comply, posted or not:


§ 212:34. Duty of Care

I. An owner, lessee or occupant of premises owes no duty of care to keep such premises safe for entry or use by others for hunting, fishing, trapping, camping, water sports, winter sports or OHRVs as defined in RSA 215-A, hiking, sightseeing, or removal of fuelwood, or to give any warning of hazardous conditions, uses of, structures, or activities on such premises to persons entering for such purposes, except as provided in paragraph III hereof.

Jimmie in Ky

Sign or no , all land in Ky is to be considered posted.

And hidehunter, if you know what a confederate safety pin is htey are prefered to nails and work much better since they have multiple barbs . Nothing quite like fire hardened honey locust thorns in an unwanted trail. They can't see them until way to late and all four tires are full of holes  :eyebrownod: Jimmie

THO Game Calls


what you posted is not entirely accurate.

III. This section does not limit the liability which otherwise exists:
       (a) For willful or malicious failure to guard or warn against a dangerous condition, use, structure or activity; 

The land owner can still be held liable for accidents that happen on his land.   

Secondly, the big reason land in NH is not posted is due to Current Use Law.  Land owners get a nice little tax break for leaving their land classified as Open Space, and if they decide to change that land use, or sell it to someone who then decides to change the land use status and post it, they are hit with a Land Use Change Tax.   See CHAPTER 79-A  CURRENT USE TAXATION for more information.

That's why Leasing is not popular.  Any money the land owner would get from leasing would be eaten up in Land Use Change Taxes.   

Become one of 'The Hunted Ones' with a THO Game Call
Handcrafted Collector Quality - Field Proven Results


QuoteHey Coulter! Need a place to hunt?

Heck no...not that bad!


Quote from: THO Game Calls on December 10, 2009, 05:58:30 AM

Secondly, the big reason land in NH is not posted is due to Current Use Law.  Land owners get a nice little tax break for leaving their land classified as Open Space, and if they decide to change that land use, or sell it to someone who then decides to change the land use status and post it, they are hit with a Land Use Change Tax.   See CHAPTER 79-A  CURRENT USE TAXATION for more information.

That's why Leasing is not popular.  Any money the land owner would get from leasing would be eaten up in Land Use Change Taxes.   

I don't like most government ideas but someone was on the ball on this one.  Thanks.
I say what I think not think what I say.