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My apologies to all that deserve it.

Started by Bopeye, December 22, 2009, 01:35:53 AM

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I just wanted to get out a quick apology on here to many of you. You'll know who you are in a minute.

It seems with work slowing down that we are actually working harder for less pay, which becomes a vicious circle. The less you make, the harder you work and around it goes.
I don't quite understand it myself, but that's the way it's been working.  :shrug:

Haven't been on much of a schedule for the last few months due to this. My second and third shifts have been having problems because we are running skeleton crews right now. They weren't as trained as I would like them to be, so I have been at work at all hours of the day and night. I have also been working long Saturdays trying to get some new products out to boost sales. All of it has been crazy to say the least. I'm not complaining, because thank God I have a job, just trying to explain it some when my head is a little clear.
I've been coming home in the evenings or whenever and grabbing cat naps whenever I can. I have missed several of y'alls pm's, emails, phone calls and such. I am very sorry for this. I even have been turning my home phone off, so folks that don't have my cell phone number can't call me. If I don't know someone well enough for them to have my cell number, then chances are I don't want them waking me up. No offense meant to any of you however. I love chatting by phone with my FNF family, just haven't had much time lately. I have talked to a couple of you when I have gotten a chance at work, but that is a no-no at work, so I am taking a chance when I do that.

I have only been checking my email and this board every couple of days as well. As I was going through here tonight, I saw where I have missed some stuff directed towards me. I apologize. It's nothing personal, I haven't seen most of it and a few of them I just didn't have time to respond.

Hopefully, for all of us, the economy will start coming back up some with the coming new year and things will calm down a little. Until then, I hope you will take this apology for now and I'll get back to more regular correspondence as soon as I can.

If I have offended anyone, I am sorry.

The Bopster  :biggrin:
Foxpro Staff Infection Free


The only thing that pissed me off was the garbage can at Brightwood Turnings is overflowing onto the floor around here. I even thru some Twinkie wrappers in it hoping the Janitorial Staff would get the hint. But alas it was to no avail.  :rolleye:

:roflmao: :roflmao:  We'll be here when you get back Bop!!  :yoyo:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


Hey Son

Always remember these priorities:

1.  Family

2. Job

3. Everything else (including this forum)

Always take care of number 1 and number 2 first.  If there is any time left over for number 3, good but if not, fuggetabout number 3.   Hang in there!   



I was kinda enjoying the peace and quite, myself :innocentwhistle:

:roflmao: :wink:
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Hawks Feather

Whew!  It sure is a relief to read this post.  All this time I thought that Bop might have gone to the dark side (obama) and didn't like us anymore.   :biggrin:



Hang in there my friend!  Listen to what Semp told you.  We'll all be here (probably talking trash about you. LOL!) Naw, we got your back.  As for HaMer and the janatorial staff?  I'll send him some wood to build sides on the trash cans so they can hold more.  :laf:  Merry Christmas Bop and Family!  May the Good Lord's blessings be upon you!



I just figured ya was still pooping........... :laf: :laf:


Hey buddy,

I know things have been hectic for you.  :madd: Hang in there it will get better.  :wink:

I just wanted to let you know, since we have not gotten to coyote hunt together I've been saving a few for you. The back 40 boys are howling again. I've been talking to them regularly for the past week, even got a couple almost coming into the yard now. As soon as they do I'll start working on getting them to set/stay.... Just for you!!!   :eyebrownod:

Please visit our ol' buddies over at: http://www.easterncoyotes.com

Born and raised in the southern highlands of Appalachia, I'm just an ol' country boy who enjoys calling coyotes... nothing more, nothing less.


Hey looky, I'm here twice in a day.  :yahoo:
I appreciate you guys and your understanding.  :eyebrownod:
Foxpro Staff Infection Free