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LBL wind

Started by KySongDog, December 22, 2009, 02:24:09 PM

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I did three sets at LBL yesterday within a few miles of where I killed that one last Wednesday.  The first two were dry.  I started the third set about 10:30 and intended to leave about 11:00.  I had a real light wind going from me to a field about 30 yards away and figured they won't show there.  Where I was at was almost too thick to call.  Very limited visibility.  Toward the end of the set I was getting ready to accept this was going to be a bust too.   Then I heard a pack start yip howling what seemed like a mile away. 

So I thought what the hell, I switched to a lone howl, waited a minute and then started challenge howling.  I went silent for a few minutes and then caught movement.  A coyote was coming in.  And that's where I screwed up the second time.  I only saw it for a 2-3 seconds through all of the thick crap.  He/she checked up at about 35-40 yards and I could see pieces of it.  I figured I could lip squeak it closer. I should have shot the dayumed thing!  It did a 180 on a dime and got the hell out of dodge. 

I sat wondering whut happened?  I pulled out my wind checker and instantly knew the answer.  The very slight wind had shifted and was carrying my scent directly to the coyote. I started out the set cross wind to the area I figured a coyote would come from and ended up upwind.  The LBL wind and thermals are hair pullers for sure.   :madd:    My first screw up was not paying attention to the wind.

But it sure was a lot of fun anyways.   :eyebrownod:


I wish I could get them to come in to my stand after they group howl/yip.  I've tried everything over the past couple of years.  Last night, they weren't but a quarter mile east of me when they started howling and yipping a little bit before dusk.  I did several lonesome howls,s challenge howls, high pitch howls, low pitch howls, loud howls, soft howls, distress yips, etc.  Nothing happening.  Maybe they came in once it was dark and after I left, but I sat there for 20 minutes after they opened up just east of me.  :madd:

hand call user primarily, but if you gotta use an e-caller, there ain't nothing that sounds better than a Wildlife Tech


I was using the hurt pup distress cries at the end of the set and that was when I began to hear the yip howling.  I am still new to all of this and trying to figure out what they will respond to.  I do know that just blowing the bunny blues all the time doesn't work consistently.  I have called in several coyotes so far but only killed a couple.  I just need to react faster.  They don't hang around long at the LBL.  I have a tendency to get complacent and drop my guard at the end of the set thinking nothing is going to show.  I've got to stay sharp all the way till the end and expect a coyote to show at any time.   It sure is exciting when they do make an appearance though.   ;yes;


Thanks for the descriptive story Semp.  I'm like you, I sure don't know what makes them come in or not come in??   Like you said, it sure is exciting when they do decide to come in!!

You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!


Semp, I think at LBL you can have the wind in yor face and at any given moment it can switch and be blowing the opposite direction. I was at LBL Monday morning myself. I left about 11:00am . I had a yote run across the road and stop at about 40 yards in the woods and turn around and look at me for a few seconds and then run off! I just laughed out loud and thought" The coyote thought"Am I what your looking for there MR. Hunter? lol


Quote from: Semp on December 22, 2009, 02:24:09 PM
I switched to a lone howl, waited a minute and then started challenge howling. 

Semp... at LBL I consider getting busted as somewhat being successful.  :eyebrownod:

I had the yipping & howling going on at my first set-up last Friday. When I first heard it... I too though it was a good ways off but I turkey hunt this spot and know it well. After listening to them sounding off a second round... there was a steep ridge with a draw that seems to go on forever. They were in the bottom of the draw ... the steep ridge between us muffled the sound. I've had turkeys do the same thing in that spot.... it really fools with hearing. In reality... that group was probably less than 200 yds from my set-up.. possibly even closer.

In my case.... the bunny blues was all I offered and as expected...I did'nt get any response. I thought then a challenge howl would be a good choice.... just was'nt an option with what I had to work with as far as caller. I'm going to slip back in there after Christmas  with a better vocabulary. I know we all like to squeeze the trigger ....but after the dry runs I've had recently at LBL.... a glimpse of one would help my confidence a whole lot. 

As far as reacting quicker.... I agree. The ones I've killed over there dont exactly present the perfect shot and so dang many tree laps keeping the visibillity down. Very easy for the yotes to surprise you.

Good Luck.

Jimmie in Ky

And I am loving that shotgun more and more all the time. I have yet to be able to get up there for one reason or another. I like this granpa thing but it can cut into a fellers free time bigtime. Throw in a few loggers and a truck wreck and you have a good idea of how my december has gone so far. But my old truck is lookin' danged good now with fresh paint and shiny chrome bumpers .

As for those winds up therre, try like the devil to keep them in your face. Pray you can get lined up before it can see you and let the chips fall where they may. Jimmie


Another thing to keep in mind, besides the fact that I am no pro, is that statistics have shown over and over that the bunny blues are for the most part Tony Tebbe (useless) right now.

This time of year they are chasing monkey, pairing up, and being territorial. Howls and pup distress should be the go to's.

Kinda like setting at the watering hole at 2:00 am when the bachelor`ette  party comes through the door and your all eyes and hormones. Are you going to be thinking about the wifes homemade lasagna right about then? :nono:
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QuoteKinda like setting at the watering hole at 2:00 am when the bachelor`ette  party comes through the door and your all eyes and hormones. Are you going to be thinking about the wifes homemade lasagna right about then?

^^^  :laf: :roflmao: :laf: :roflmao: :laf: ^^^ ........ :eyebrownod:


QuoteKinda like setting at the watering hole at 2:00 am when the bachelor`ette  party comes through the door and your all eyes and hormones. Are you going to be thinking about the wifes homemade lasagna right about then?  :nono:

Now that is an analogy I understand!!â™    :roflmao: :roflmao:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


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