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HSUS vs PETA..whats the difference?

Started by cathryn, February 12, 2010, 07:33:25 PM

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in your opinion?

the reason i was wondering is because i just heard of a prominent country singer whos supposedly very anti(came out and spoke against PETA) and yet theyre holding a benefit concert for the HSUS in their Texas hometown.

i was shocked when i heard the news clip actually.

while i know the 2 have different focuses to some degree i always kinda lumped the 2 organizatins together..maybe wrongly so??

whats ya'll take, are they 2 organizations that have seperate agendas or are they little more than the same organization under different names?


well dang,lOL

i thik they have the same agenda just target different sections of the population in different ways.


Beware!! Humane Society agendas have made a point to target breeder kennels aka puppy mills but their proposed legislation would also make hunting dog kennels illegal or permit only in certain states!
Take your kids hunting and you won't have to hunt your kids!

Jimmie in Ky

Just check out thier fund raising schemes and you will see a diference. But they both are after us. Jimmie