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Contest Protests

Started by MattS, January 12, 2007, 12:57:15 PM

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Quote from: studabaka on January 13, 2007, 12:25:44 PM

I'm not pounding the table saying their should not be contests, but I'm not pounding the table saying there should be either. As for it being a linch pin that will impact my right to hunt the way I want to.... I don't think so, but if it is it will be because of the up roar caused from it being allowed verses if it just wasn't there to feed negative sentiment.

The negative sentiment wouldn't be there if hunters against this wouldn't take the anti's bait.I'm willing to bet if that article wasn't printed,you wouldn't of even heard about it.It was bait,to get hunters to show there division,contest have been around for awhile.Some hunters will go against it because it draws negative criticism,and thats what the anti's count on.Here in WI,the uproar is baiters against non-baiters for deer hunting.And I'm sure baiting is on the way out,then it'll be deer lures,then it'll be bowhunting,etc.When one form of hunting is gone,the uproar just goes to the next target,and hunters blindly fall for it.The anti's know what triggers division,and look for every oppurtunity to pull it.I wouldn't doubt if the guy that printed the article was anti,or an elitist hunter.My guess is an anti,trying to stir things up,and some so called hunters are just to eager to devour there own.

Today some hunters are using the same tactics as the antis have been,but using it on there own knid.Like I mentioned,baiting has been a hot topic in WI. Alot of hunters are on the band wagon,saying it's caused CWD,the truth is twisted.CWD is here because of an out of control deer population since the early 80's,that has been poorly under estimated and managed,on top of a few that felt killing a doe was a cardinal sin.Now we're reaping the fallout,but the blame is falling on baiting by a few who think it's unethical,when the CWD is only in a small portion of the state.And the fuel will be added to the fire until baiting is gone for the entire state.That's the way it goes with any form of hunting ban.Mountains out of mole hills.


I think some statements have been entirely misunderstood.
I'm not totally sure, but I believe everyone voted for the hunt.....not against.

The reason I voted "For" is so that our ranks can remain united. I will NOT tell someone how they can or cannot hunt.......as long as they are doing it legally.

However, I will tell people that we need to be constantly vigilant of how we are perceived by the general public. We have basically three groups of people:

1. Hunters- They hunt and kill game.
2. Anti-hunters- They are against hunters and nothing we can say will change them.
                       Forget about trying to please this group. They are nutballs.
3. General Joe Shmoe Public - This guy doesn't hunt, but realizes his steak that he loves comes from a cow. He has no desire to kill food for himself, but is realistic enough to realize someone has to do it. He really has "NO" stance one way or the other on hunting. He is neither "for" or "against" it.

We run into category three every day of our lives. Several of them are our friends. They know we hunt and respect it. They don't ask to go along, but are glad we have a hobby we enjoy.
They are our neighbors and coworkers. They know what we do, but really don't think about it much one way or the other. Suddenly one day something changes their mind:

Two scenarios.

1. You have been hunting all week and kill a really nice buck. You butcher it and have a lot of it made into jerky. You take a big bag of this jerky to your neighbor. They eat it, their kids eat it and everyone just loves it. Now they start thinking......that sure was good jerky, maybe he will bring me some more sometime. I'm glad he hunts and is kind enough to share. A year later, the neighbors oldest son wants to go hunting with you and so it is decided that you will take him. He gets his first deer and is elated. Now he is a hardcore hunter and his family enjoys the fact that he has a great new hobby and the added benefit of an occasional venison tenderloin in the freezer.  :highclap:

2. You have been hunting all week and kill a really nice buck. You strap it to the hood of your truck and parade it around town a few laps showing it off. Some are happy, but some are offended that you strapped such a beautiful animal ,that you had just killed for the fun of it, to the hood of your truck. The blood trickling down the fenders and the deers tongue hanging out of his mouth is sickening to some. (Remember, these people didn't feel either way towards hunting and don't kill their own food)

Now we may have just made more of a problem for ourselves. What happened in both scenarios is fine to a hunter, but the second scenario can be too much for non-hunters.
They have basically divorced themselves from the very things that kept our ancestors alive for generations. Killing game, removing entrails, butchering the harvest, preparing the meat for the table.
Although they know in their subconscious that's how it's done.......they choose to not think about it. Now it's been shoved "in their face".............and not knowing how to react to it, they turn against it.
Just something to think about.
Do as you wish, but sometimes our very actions are what decides someones feelings toward hunting. YOUR ACTIONS.

There is nothing wrong with putting that buck in the back of your truck. Cover it up with a tarp or something. Take it and show a few buddies that will appreciate what you did. Take it to be checked in and then put it in your garage or backyard to butcher it. Nobody is offended and we live to hunt another day. Courtesy can really help our cause.

We live in a society where nobody wants to take responsibility for anything. We just blame it all on the government....... :eyebrow:
The truth of the matter is that everyone is responsible for their "own" actions and by the same token.........their own reactions towards something.

As I stated before..........competition hunts are not my "cup of tea" because it's not a competition with me. It's a hobby, a pastime, a pure enjoyment that I don't want being tainted by "competition". In today's society everything is competitive.....our jobs, school, kids teeball...........everything. I don't want my hunting to be that.......I just want to take my gun for a walk, set in a nice little patch of woods, listen to the squirrels chatter at me and enjoy what the good Lord put here for me.

Foxpro Staff Infection Free


 :bowingsmilie: Bopeye, you're a good man.  Great post.

:congrats: Dennis, welcome to the board.   Enjoyed your post as well.

:highclap: Quite a few well thought out posts in fact on this thread, on both "sides".

I'm only going to say two things on this and then leave it back to all you folks.   

These contests are not my "cup of tea" either.   
If I had to do this AOL poll (which I won't if for no other reason than it is just more AOL anti propaganda), it would be against the contests.   

USN 1967-1971

Thou shalt keep thy religious beliefs to thyself please.  Meus


Quote from: Bopeye on January 13, 2007, 01:26:13 PM

As I stated before..........competition hunts are not my "cup of tea" because it's not a competition with me. It's a hobby, a pastime, a pure enjoyment that I don't want being tainted by "competition". In today's society everything is competitive.....our jobs, school, kids teeball...........everything. I don't want my hunting to be that.......I just want to take my gun for a walk, set in a nice little patch of woods, listen to the squirrels chatter at me and enjoy what the good Lord put here for me.

Well said.  I'm with you Bobeye.  I'm looking fun things to do with the few years I have left.  Hunting is one of those things and has always given me a lot more than just meat on the table.


Well, I guess I would agree with everyone saying they somewhat agree with Dennis's first post.  When I first started my contest it was just to get a bunch of guys together and hang out afterwards.  I have talked to many farmers in the past that asked if there was any way to get rid of some of the coyotes around.  Most the people in my contest aren't coyote hunters.  They just join the contest because it is something different and they all want a reason to get together and have fun.  I know that goes against (or agrees) with what a lot of you are saying.  This contest was also started because of the farmers asking for help.  I knew that there wasn't enough coyote hunters in our area to be able to take control of the predator problem so I thought this would bring out more hunters.  And it has.  I get phones calls almost on a daily basis from guys that have never coyote hunted and seen an add for my contest and thought that it would be there best opportunity to get into the sport and be able to talk to others that have been doing it for a long time.  Like I said before, most of the hunters that I deal with in my contest are not coyote hunters.  But most of them want to be. 

I hate to go in this direction, but I would almost go as far as say that most of these contest are a non associated conservation program.  I might have stuck my foot in my mouth on that one, I don't know.  I suck at this writing thing.  I do agree with everyone on the whole contest thing being wrong for the most part.  Yah, everyone wants to shoot the big one.  Of course if they do shoot the big one, its going to be in the back of your truck with the tailgate down as you drive around the entire state showing it off.  I don't really agree with trophy hunting myself.  I know to be a successful trophy hunter you need to work your but off and I congratulate the ones who succeed on that just for their hard efforts.  I may have not been hunting as long as a lot of you, but I too started hunting  when I was old enough to zip my own fly (I like that Dennis).  I couldn't tell you how many deer or anything else I have shot.  But I can tell you how many trophies I have.  Lets just say that if it will fit on the grill or in the freezer, I don't pass up a shot. 

Maybe next year I will rename my hunt to the "Cow and Chicken Conservation Contest".

This also brings up another question.  Just how many coyote hunters out here actually do something with there coyotes.  I know most do, But I would sure be interested in a poll on that one.


                       Very interesting thread , alot of good points made. I personally , have no interest in the contests . But, I dont fault anyone that does. I do like the idea of a bunch of guys getting together for a gathering / hunt . Like the one Jimmie's been having at the LBL.

                      When the all mighty dollar starts to get involved , the general public , gets the idea . Its all about the money , and the actual hunting takes a backseat. They  envision a mass slaughter, with the ultimate goal being $$$ .
                     This can change the otherwise neutral opinions to negative opinions . We must remember the average Joe , doesn't  have a clue . As to what is involved , to actually calling and killing a predator.
                     Many of the places I hunt , the owners think ,its just a matter of going out in the woods ,and shooting a coyote. Because they see them often. They can't understand, why I might hunt several times ,and only kill a couple .
                    These are farmers and ranchers. Who for the most part ,are hunters themselves, though not predator hunters.
                    Its hard to imagine what the non-hunting public thinks. But, I can see , them believing a contest is just a killing spree. With the end result being all the animals in the area being killed , and thrown away . After the money is awarded.
                    The best way to avoid this, and still have the contests . IMHO, would be to , watch how the contest is advertised , especially the wording.
                    This is just my opinion , Im not against the contests , as long as the laws are followed .

                     Though as stated its not my cup of tea. But, Im not not the general public nor an anti. Looking for any fuel to add to their fire.

It was so windy, the hen layed the same egg five times !!!


Quote from: slagmaker on January 12, 2007, 01:41:22 PM
I had a lady in walmart  get all kinds of upset when I was lookiing at a rifle with a friend of mine. When the guy behind the counter asked what we would be hunting with it I said yotes and the lady went off, actually started yelling aat me and my friend right there in the store.something about how I shouldnt be killing helpless animals. I ignored her and I think that made here even madder.

Antis torqe me off

There is so much wrong here,
1st----The writer obviously slanted this article so that it would rile the Anti's , (aren't they suppose to report the news in a totally unbiased way?)
2nd---I want to know if this guy was a jerk to the organizer when he was doing the story?
3rd--- In that community why has there not been a backlash on this writer and his publication?
4th---I think this guy needs to be taken out on a hunt before he judges anyone.

And Slagmaker I have been in that situation before, I was being yelled at in the county courthouse by my ex-wife in front of a lot of people, the place was quiet because everyone wanted to see what was going on.  As soon as she stopped yelling I looked her right in the eye and asked her one question

"shouldn't you be on your back somewhere making a living?"

the whole place erupted with laughter, she turned beat red and ran out of the courthouse.

My old NCO in the service told me,  Hit 'em where it hurts because it may be the only shot you get.

Retired USAF
Desert Storm Veteran
Remember to thank those who are serving our country and the families of those who have died to keep you safe...Our Troops, Police and Firemen deserve our thanks"


Quote from: Bopeye on January 13, 2007, 01:26:13 PM
I think some statements have been entirely misunderstood.
I'm not totally sure, but I believe everyone voted for the hunt.....not against.

The reason I voted "For" is so that our ranks can remain united. I will NOT tell someone how they can or cannot hunt.......as long as they are doing it legally.

However, I will tell people that we need to be constantly vigilant of how we are perceived by the general public. We have basically three groups of people:

1. Hunters- They hunt and kill game.
2. Anti-hunters- They are against hunters and nothing we can say will change them.
                       Forget about trying to please this group. They are nutballs.
3. General Joe Shmoe Public - This guy doesn't hunt, but realizes his steak that he loves comes from a cow. He has no desire to kill food for himself, but is realistic enough to realize someone has to do it. He really has "NO" stance one way or the other on hunting. He is neither "for" or "against" it.

We run into category three every day of our lives. Several of them are our friends. They know we hunt and respect it. They don't ask to go along, but are glad we have a hobby we enjoy.
They are our neighbors and coworkers. They know what we do, but really don't think about it much one way or the other. Suddenly one day something changes their mind:

Two scenarios.

1. You have been hunting all week and kill a really nice buck. You butcher it and have a lot of it made into jerky. You take a big bag of this jerky to your neighbor. They eat it, their kids eat it and everyone just loves it. Now they start thinking......that sure was good jerky, maybe he will bring me some more sometime. I'm glad he hunts and is kind enough to share. A year later, the neighbors oldest son wants to go hunting with you and so it is decided that you will take him. He gets his first deer and is elated. Now he is a hardcore hunter and his family enjoys the fact that he has a great new hobby and the added benefit of an occasional venison tenderloin in the freezer.  :highclap:

2. You have been hunting all week and kill a really nice buck. You strap it to the hood of your truck and parade it around town a few laps showing it off. Some are happy, but some are offended that you strapped such a beautiful animal ,that you had just killed for the fun of it, to the hood of your truck. The blood trickling down the fenders and the deers tongue hanging out of his mouth is sickening to some. (Remember, these people didn't feel either way towards hunting and don't kill their own food)

Now we may have just made more of a problem for ourselves. What happened in both scenarios is fine to a hunter, but the second scenario can be too much for non-hunters.
They have basically divorced themselves from the very things that kept our ancestors alive for generations. Killing game, removing entrails, butchering the harvest, preparing the meat for the table.
Although they know in their subconscious that's how it's done.......they choose to not think about it. Now it's been shoved "in their face".............and not knowing how to react to it, they turn against it.
Just something to think about.
Do as you wish, but sometimes our very actions are what decides someones feelings toward hunting. YOUR ACTIONS.

There is nothing wrong with putting that buck in the back of your truck. Cover it up with a tarp or something. Take it and show a few buddies that will appreciate what you did. Take it to be checked in and then put it in your garage or backyard to butcher it. Nobody is offended and we live to hunt another day. Courtesy can really help our cause.

We live in a society where nobody wants to take responsibility for anything. We just blame it all on the government....... :eyebrow:
The truth of the matter is that everyone is responsible for their "own" actions and by the same token.........their own reactions towards something.

As I stated before..........competition hunts are not my "cup of tea" because it's not a competition with me. It's a hobby, a pastime, a pure enjoyment that I don't want being tainted by "competition". In today's society everything is competitive.....our jobs, school, kids teeball...........everything. I don't want my hunting to be that.......I just want to take my gun for a walk, set in a nice little patch of woods, listen to the squirrels chatter at me and enjoy what the good Lord put here [/b][/b][/b]

:bowingsmilie:  AMEN BROTHER !!!!!!    :yoyo:  :highclap:  :congrats:   I'm with Bopeye !
"The strongest reason for people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government." -- (Thomas Jefferson)
