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Steve, check this out

Started by Silencer, June 08, 2010, 06:41:08 PM

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I'm pretty sure this is a hed woodie hanging with the tame s.o.b., its hard to tell with the quality of the photo.  I had to digi zoom.     They were insepartable and the tame s.o.b run off the mallards that were feeding there.  

If the white s.o.b. is around come fall, he's just gotta go down river a couple hundred yards to meet me in the blind lol   Seen alot of drake mallards and geese as well.   Too far to take pictures, I might camo up in the morning to get a closer look.


Wonder why shes hanging around a big ugly dumb duck like that :confused: Nothing better than extending the season through the summer months by scouting :yoyo: Have fun!


Its not a woodie hen  :doh2:  :rolleye:

Some other tamie, musta been raised with the white one.   I bet they both taste good lol


Some freaky hybrid looking bird...or its had more than its share of Orville Redenbacher :confused: I hope you didn't get your camo on and kick it into stealth mode for that :hahaha:


Oh I did put it in stealth mode.  The geese n mallards spotted me, but these guys just hung around lol