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Alaskan Moose Hunt (part three)

Started by iahntr, September 22, 2010, 09:55:10 PM

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The next morning started out kinda like this,

and pretty much went downhill from there. It rained for the next few days and this was our
living quarters for the next few days.

Here's a pic of our sleeping quarters

and a pic of our dining room  :biggrin:

After the fourth day and no action we decided to leave our little lake and head to another area.

I'm gonna skip around a bit here first.  :biggrin: One day we had an excursion planned to go up
the river with John's son in law Shawn, here's how the day started out.

After leaving the main section of river we shot up a smaller channel towards the camp.

I thought ya might like to ride a long a little here too.

For some reason the video doubled itself, it should only be a total of like 1 minute 45 seconds, then it started itself over.  :confused:

At one point we came around a corner and a Lynx was sitting on the bank. He just sat there and
watched us until we slowed down by him. I was trying to get my camera out of my pocket and
turned on, but didn't get the job done quick enough. I just caught his tail end goin in the brush.  :rolleye:
Very cool to see though !

At one point we pulled over and Shawn decided to see if he could get a good look around and spot us one.

I think he was a good 50 ft up or so.  :laf:  nothin spotted so we moved on.
Well we got to within about 10 or 15 minutes of our camp spot and WHAM hit a log ! We weren't goin anywhere.
After some time goin through spare parts, and a little MacGyverizing with a hose clamp we were movin again, but no reverse.
Our trip was cut short and time to head back. Still a cool experience that I really enjoyed.

I probably already put too many pics in one post for some, I'll stop here and start another.



How can you put in too many pics :confused:.   This is great reading and we're all enjoying the tagalong  ;yes;.
I say what I think not think what I say.


Thanks man.
I thought if somebody had slow internet it might take forever to load.


I say what I think not think what I say.