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Last thing on my mind now

Started by Jimmie in Ky, December 01, 2010, 05:53:00 PM

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Jimmie in Ky

Is a trip to the LBL. Last night I had a very rude awakening. Coyotes decided it was time to try and take out my dogs. Decoy came into the back yard and got the ruckus started. The dogs gave chase and came back. I hit the back yard just in time to see tails flying over the fence to the neighbors yard. Went back in for hte shotgun and hussled out there . They repeated this mess several times without me getting a decent look or shot at the sob. I was close enough to even smell it at one time. You never heard such barking and yapping as that coyote was doing trying to get the dogs to chase it. I got them in hte house and tried working it but it's mind was on dogs. It stayed in the shadows in my neighbors drive for another 30 minutes. Still no decent shot and no way to get over the fence for a sneak while it and a neighbors dog were cussing each other.

Joeseph and house repair got in my way today. I am very sure local landowners are going to be pissed about me going after the dang things cause they are not through deer hunting yet. But don't look for me to be going anywhere other than local for a while. Jimmie


I seen a couple video's somewhere about them luring dogs into a trap. Amazing stuff. I hope you get them quick.

When I die, I want to go peacefully like my Grandfather did, in his sleep -- not screaming, like the passengers in his car.


Get em Jimmie!  I hope they dont get yer dogs.... I have seen it before and it aint fun to see.



Sic em Jimmie!!  :eyebrow:  I know you will!! Good Luck nailing the damn things!!  :yoyo: :yoyo:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


Well you had another night so how did it go?  You got a whole bench full of guys rooting for ya :yoyo:.
I say what I think not think what I say.


Kill em all............   :eyebrownod:       I'd tell ya to shoot straight BUT who cares as long as you get a bullet into him.

Jimmie in Ky

As long as those two stick together there isn't much chance they will get their throats cut. Thing is htey aren't  fast enough to catch the coyote . I was really surprised Tazz didn't keep after it instead of returning to me. I Depend on these two a great deal to keep the boogers at bay, two and four legged ! Around here folks that keep thier dogs tied can loose half what htey own in one night.

I haven't caught all the landowners to let them know what is up so I can go after them wherever I find them. And what it is looking like is they are in a no hunting area . They have never allowed any hunting among that family and they own a considerable amount of land around here. Jimmie


Quote from: Jimmie in Ky on December 02, 2010, 12:06:13 PM
They have never allowed any hunting among that family and they own a considerable amount of land around here. Jimmie

Buy em out  :confused:.
I say what I think not think what I say.

Jimmie in Ky

Now why didn't I think of that  :confused: Ya got a half mill to spare old buddy old pal  :biggrin: Jimmie