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Saloon Closed for Hanging

Started by FinsnFur, September 07, 2011, 09:19:45 PM

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My baby Brandi found a sign in a storage locker tonight that read "Saloon Closed for Hanging".
Anyone watch it?

Did they seriously have and use signs like that back in the day? Close the bar so they could hang someone? Who old enough here to answer that?
Let's see either Bill or Cronk.  :laf: :laf:
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Jim im not that old but i do believe that is true i remember hearing something about that before in i think a history class, that sign would sure be cool to own and display :laf: and it wouldnt hurt if they started that practice again.

Bills Custom Calls

Can't remember that far back Young man
They always say the first thing to go is the memory be damned if i can remember what the 2nd is  :laf:


Home of the Triple Surface Pot Call


 :readthis:   As I understand it the saloons were closed for hanging so they wouldn't have to deal with drunks during the "ceremonies" if you will.  :laf:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


I just can't see the point in cutting off the beverages for such a festive occasion. :wo:


That makes sense too HaMeR. The whole thing is really interesting to me.

ROFLMAO!   :laugh2: Ed
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I agree with Ed as well.  :biggrin: :biggrin: I just have "heard" that is why the saloons were closed for hangings.

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


That's pretty cool, how 'bout a picture?  :yoyo:
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Ohhhhhh! The sign!
I dont have one, I seen it on television as mentioned.

But that pic Rich took from liveauctioneers.com is pretty close to it. :eyebrownod:
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 :doh2:  I didn't realize you were talking about the Brandi on Storage Wars Jimbo........sorry about that.  :rolleye:

I enjoy the show myself, but I would love to smack ole' Dave Hester one good time. Just about the time he was yelling, "YUUUUUP".......POW...... :laf: :eyebrownod:
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I cant believe he hasnt had a hand up along side his gills yet.
Him and Jared squared off and went toe to toe a couple weeks ago and I thought sure as heck it was gonna happen.
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