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Hey all you Gear Heads --Square Hole Drill

Started by KySongDog, November 17, 2011, 06:00:48 PM

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When I first saw this I thought it was fake, smoke and mirrors.  But this appears to be real and is definitely amazing. 

Square Hole Drill


I dont get it. The thing would have to camber from side to side in order to do that. :confused:
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That is a unique way to put a square peg in a round hole for sure.   :eyebrownod:

Todd Rahm

Cant see the video due to a filter.  :innocentwhistle:

But I have seen on where the drilled square wholes into aluminum plating. It even slow motioned everthing so you could see the action, and its almost like cutting blade (Looked like a router blade to me) turned on a bit that appeared to have some kind of cam on it?


Yea that sounds just like this video Todd. It's GOT TO camber from side to side somehow. :eyebrownod:
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Todd Rahm


The center of the cutter does not appear to be the same as the upper part where it chucks up. Giving the bit an out of round spin. You can see it at the 40sec mark & again at the end with the split screens. There is a wobble there but at full speed it it is hard to see.  Just my take on it.

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


How hard do ya think it would be to keep a grip on the Dewalt 18v with one of them chucked up? :laf:
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Might not end up with much of a square hole!!  :laf: :laf:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11

Carolina Coyote


Quote from: FinsnFur on November 19, 2011, 11:11:54 PM
How hard do ya think it would be to keep a grip on the Dewalt 18v with one of them chucked up? :laf:

That's what the disclaimer at the bottom of the video says,  "No do try using uh drill held inna hand."  "Verwy Verwy danguriss."
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Don't get impatient.  :nofgr:
That's just a prototype. It won't be long before they'll have one you can use in a Dremel Tool.

At 50,000rpms!!!  :shock2:

That's pretty cool - thanks for sharing that Semp. :biggrin:


WOW Thanks semp, now there is hope that I can use these square bolts I have   :biggrin:
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