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Got My Computer Genterated letter from Manchin today (My Senator)

Started by Hidehunter, January 03, 2013, 07:02:20 PM

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Even though I told them not to waste taxpayer dollars they sent me a letter anyway.  My scanner is down but I wish you guys could read this.

At first he talks about him being a parent and grandparent and how he cant imagine what the families are going through.  Then he goes into..

"Our condolences are not all we can offer, however.  As your senator, it is my obligation to look into ALL available options to prevent another unspeakable tragedy like the one that took 27 lives in Newton Connecticut."

After that he goes into: "One of the promises we make our children is that they have a safe place to learn.  i intend to keep that promise"

There is 2 paragraphs like this and him saying "we need to have a serious disussion about developing a reasonable, responsible approach to protect our children"

Let me just say first off...I am not one of these sheep that watch the media and fall for all of their BS Mr Senator  I think it is sad of how he writes about that horrible and tragic incident in order to fill his own agenda.  Im tired of them using this as a way to manipulate people.

Toward the bottom of the first page he starts talking about:

"Like many West Virginians, I am an avid sportsmen, a proud and responsible gun owner, and a lifetime member of the NRA.  In fact, I have recieved an A-Rating from the NRA for my support of gun rights in the Senate.  Also like many of you, however, I am a proud parent and grandparent and this tragedy has changed all of us.  My words in recent days have not been an endorsement of an assualt weapons ban but an endorsement of a constructive and open discussion on all possible causes of the unacceptable rise in mass shootings across the US."

First off, since 1992 we have had a 50% reduction of violent crime.  You can see this proof on the FBI database website.  50%!!  Shouldnt that make the news?  Also of all those violent crimes 3.5% were done with a rifle (AR falls into this catagory along with all other rifles).  Should that not be on the news?  Why dont you mention that Mr. Senator?  Let me answer that for you...because you and all your liberal pals have an agenda and this does not fit into it.  You idiots want the American people to feel afraid to even walk out their doors and you want the American people to feel as if they need the almighty government to protect them.

I feel horrible for the tragedy that happened in CT but dont try to use that in order to manipulate me into falling for the BS.  That is very sad IMO.  Some of us out here are not the complete idiots you take us for and some of us dont need you Mr Senator to take care of us.  I have my own guns!!  MOLON LABE!


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