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To Senator Manchin . . .

Started by Frogman, March 25, 2013, 05:24:18 PM

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Here is a message I just sent to Senator Manchin . . .

"Senator Manchin,
Please vote NO to further restrictions on law abiding citizens gun rights like additional background checks. Criminals don't buy guns at gun shows. Further restrictions in this area is just window dressing so the antis can say, "See we did something, we closed the gun show loop hole." While all the time you and I and they know that it will have no effect on gun violence. Further restricting background checks only hurts the law abiding citizen, it has no effect on criminals!

If the problem we are trying to address is gun violence, then why not propose additional penalties for those who use guns illegally, and enforce them!!

As a beginning school teacher I quickly learned that I lost all the students respect when I punished the whole class for what one kid did. After a while if I didn't see them do it no one got in trouble. When I caught someone misbehaving fair and square then no one objected to that kid being punished.

It's the same with our rights. I get really upset when someone proposes restricting my rights because of what some bad guy did. Make life tough for the bad guys and leave me the hell alone! I think you feel the same way.
I think the majority of people feel this way. I have more and more people asking about concealed carry classes. The stores are sold out of ammo and guns. People who have never owned a gun before are calling me about training. They are buying guns and buying ammo. And they are voters!!
Please vote No to any proposed restrictions on law abiding citizens firearms rights. Thank you for taking the time to read my note!
Jim Carez"

Please continue to contact your Congressmen and express your displeasure with the proposed gun control laws!!  Feel free to copy or use any or all of the above post!

You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!

Carolina Coyote