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Just sent letter to congressmen . . .

Started by Frogman, April 20, 2013, 03:26:21 PM

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Just sent this letter via a Tea Party e-mail link . . .

April 20, 2013

Dear Representative McKinley,
Dear Senator Rockefeller,
Dear Senator Manchin,

As a voter in your district, I wanted to express my concern to you regarding the unconstitutional, fear mongering based attempt to disarm American citizens. Even more disconcerting is the fact that the president and his administration believe that they can exert dictatorial power, circumventing Congress to attack our Second Amendment rights.

We cannot allow the government to disarm us. Our Second Amendment rights are our last protection against a tyrannical government. There are some that want to incredulously ask if we truly believe the government is one of tyrants. The fact that we are even having that discussion is proof positive that it is!

A free people are not told what guns they can and cannot own. A free people are not guilted into giving up their guns. A free people are not made to feel like criminals for simply standing up for their Second Amendment right to bear arms. We MUST continue to send a message to our government that they cannot pick and choose which parts of the Constitution they will adhere to. We will not let them use us to advance their freedom busting agenda of disarming the populace while taking greater and greater control of our lives.

I expect you to stand alongside Senator Ted Cruz and live up to your oath to defend all parts of the Constitution.

Please do not support any legislation that further restricts the firearms rights of law abiding citizens. Instead increase enforcement of the laws that are already on the books. You guys don't seem to be doing the enforcement part very well. Make life tough on criminals not on law abiding citizens!


Mr. James L. Carez

Link allowed me to add the last paragraph!

Keep up the pressure!

You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!