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Remember Barack Obama, Black Jeebus?

Started by FOsteology, March 10, 2014, 09:56:50 AM

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Man.. It wasn't supposed to be this way, was it?

Barack Obama's election was a historic moment. The first Black, US President and the most powerful man in the world. He was elected and propelled to power by non-Blacks.

The history books were open for him, they were dying to write him up as one of the greatest US Presidents ever. The press were in love with him. People fainted when he spoke. He won a Nobel Prize immediately, based solely on their vision of Obama as one of history's great men. He had an ambitious, transformative agenda. He was going to be the Ronald Reagan of the left. Thanks to the errors of the right, he had a congress ready and willing to help him achieve these dreams.

And now? It's all fallen apart...  :laf:

The crony healthcare law has consumed his entire Presidency. Half his Congress was fired, Conservatives rode to victory in 2010 and appear poised to make pickups this year as well. One poll shows that Mitt Romney would beat him if the election were re-run. He's bleeding white support. His doctrine of AGW is increasingly snickered at. The nearly trillion dollar stimulus he was given didn't do what he claimed it would, some argue that it hurt. The world is a cooler place, but not thanks to anything he's done. People are buying guns at a record rate and his efforts to thwart them failed miserably. "Income Inequality" is at an all time high, despite the tax increases he was given. Members of his own party don't want a disgraced Obama to campaign for them.

Vladimir Putin has used him like a sex doll, twice. His politics has turned Libya into a scene from "Mad Max." Ignoring his wishes, Egypt had to be saved at the last moment in a military coup. The entire world rose up to thwart his attempts to turn the Christians, Alawites, women and other minorities in Syria over into the hands of a band of Sunni mercenaries to face a life of oppression, torture and death. Race relations are terrible. The President has been a divisive force here, rather than a unifier, and his time is almost up. Now he's left with small ball "pen and phone" efforts.. But executive actions can be reversed in a stroke.. A legacy written in disappearing ink.  :alscalls:

But hey? He's still got Obamacare, right? And there's no way to reverse it? So, at least that's something?

Alas, even that is not true... and it's going away. Just a matter of time.

It's always subject to attacks on its funding. There's still legal challenges working their way through the courts. Defending it becomes politically difficult if the Democrats lose the Senate. But, most importantly, when the Dems lose the DHHS Chair? The Republicans get to edit those 10k+ pages of regulations... all by themselves and without congressional oversight. So, even if it does survive? He won't even recognize "Obamacare" by the time they are through with it.

You almost have to pity them... It was supposed to be the liberals golden age. Obama was gong to lead them to a magical land where the oceans receded on his say so, everyone realized how smart and correct they are and, most of all, worshiped their multicultural messiah as savior of the greatest country in the history of the world. .. And then it all fell apart.

Toldjaso's were 100% accurate.  :wink:

Carolina Coyote


 :yoyo: :yoyo: YEP!!!!

I personally have never recognized that piece of trash as The President of The United States of America. I don't understand how anybody can type those words.

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11



Right on mah brothers, i hate that SOB !


His Administration has been a sheit sandwich since his first day in office. And yet, some still not only defend him, but voted for him a second time as well.  :confused:


Buck farack and all of his mindless minions.
The Second Amendment isn't about Hunting.
It's about Freedom.

Let's Go Brandon.  FJB