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Beheading in Oklahoma

Started by JohnP, September 26, 2014, 02:35:58 PM

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A disgruntled, fired factory worker â€" who had tried to convert his colleagues to Islam â€" used a 10-inch work knife to stab and behead a female employee, law enforcement sources told the Post Friday.
The FBI is now investigating Thursday’s brutal murder at Vaughan Foods in the Oklahoma town of Moore due to the nature of the attack, which comes on the heels recently released ISIS beheading videos.
Alton Nolen, 30, had been fired from the food distribution company early Thursday morning and drove back to the plant around 4 p.m, according to sources.
He barged in and attacked the first person he saw â€" 54-year-old Colleen Hufford â€" stabbing her in the back and cutting her head off with a knife he used while working at the plant.

Numerous statements from co-workers pointed to a more religious motive behind the attack â€" citing Nolen’s background in Islam and numerous attempts to get employees to convert, sources said.
KWTV Channel 9’s Robin Marsh tweeted that Nolen had been shouting Islamic phrases during his viscous attack, but that could not be immediately confirmed.
He then directed his rage toward a 43-year-old co-worker, Traci Johnson, who he repeatedly stabbed with the same bloody blade he used to saw off Hufford’s head, according to sources.
He was finally shot by Oklahoma County reserve deputy â€" and former Vaughan Foods CEO â€" Mark Vaughan, who used a rifle to bring down the menace.
The FBI is probing Nolen’s Islamic ties and attempts to convert colleagues. Homeland Security have warned this week of “lone wolf” terrorist attacks on US soil while American forces conduct airstrikes against ISIS forces in Syria.
When they come for mine they better bring theirs


Nothing to see here... just another case of workplace violence....


Liberalism: When the Tea Party protesting government corruption, overspending and neglect of duties is "acting like terrorists" but a radical Muslim beheading an infidel is "workplace violence."