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Xbox games no more

Started by FinsnFur, July 16, 2007, 06:58:44 PM

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He's 15 Bob.
It was more or less an accumulated series of things over the last several months.

The last straw was his mother approaching the car when he came back this weekend and telling me that he trashed their lawn mower after driving it around town and running 30 bucks worth of gas through it and then smashing it into a tree.

When she attempted to deal with him concerning it, he got all tough and strong armed her until he had her pinned. The boyfriend came to the rescue but refuses to touch him, so he yelled instead. Kyle looks up and says F--- you, you p___y  :shck: :shck:

She started crying when she was telling me this as Kyle hid behind the van waiting to get in. I was in complete shock. And she leaned against my door as I reached for the latch after I heard that. She knew what was coming.

I never spoke a word to him the whole two hours it took to get home except to ask for his cell phone.
When we got home I had my hands more then full trying to restrain myself from just knockin him right on his ass...and he knows I dont have a problem doing it based on the past. He kept his distance as I chewed him out.

He wouldn't even fathom attempting anything like that here, he knows what would happen. I asked him to show me what he did to his mother and he said I'm not going near you then started balling.

I honestly think that he thinks he's some damn gangster from those Xbox games. There is nothing no where remotely close to that in this hick town of 700. Yet he thinks he needs to wear dog chains for necklaces, and black t shirts all the time and a damn crooked hat.  :iroll:

All the dog chains have been cut up, the pimp hats I burned this afternoon, and the black shirts got tore up for shop rags. I told him his life was about to take a major turn and he just needed to trust me, it was for the better.

He knows he's heading for the academy unless his mother talks me out of it, and he is completely beside himself over it. And he's still restricted to his room with nothing more then a light bulb and a bed.

He asked me tonight if he could come out if he would be have. I said "no" before he was finished asking.

He's been setting on his floor looking out the window for two days now.
I might let him mobilize around the house Thursday, and he'll be scrubbin all the floors by hand, washing the dishes, washing and folding laundry...and he'll be begging to set down and rest....which isn't going to happen  :nono:
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I dont blame you,I would be pissed of too,,me and My Ex get along great so My Kids know that I will NOT put up with certain things,,the EX told me she has used me to threaten them before also,,its the MAGIC AGE of 15 where they
KNOW EVERYTHING !!! But if my Boys touched their Mother in an aggresive Manner I would invent a whole new Level of PISSED OFF !!! But I just turned 46 and to this VERY DAY I sit around and think of all the trouble I would have saved myself IF I would have listened,,and I still Think about all the ass whippens I got and how much I deserved them ALL !!!
I do think that when they took the Paddle out of the Teachers hands,all they did was make a Generation of Kids that Mouth off and does NOT know what the word NO means !!!
You don't shoot to kill; you shoot to stay alive.

A gun in the hand is better than a cop on the phone!!!

Bushmaster Predator .223,,4x14 Burris

Parke-Hale .22-.250 6x24 Tasco

Red Fag is a "Ruling Queen" Then ???


I feel your pain brother! I got a 15 year old daughter giving me and my wife the major fits right now.

Hope your son comes around for you!



I feel your pain and frustration. I have a 15 year old daughter that will be 16 in October. She's been a hemorrhoid for the past 1 1/2 years.... oh the joys of parenthood!

Bills Custom Calls

I know what your talking about Jim both my kids are grown up and we are through all that

When my oldest was 10 she took a swing at her mom and I very sternly put her in her place and 3 years later she did it again I came unglued on her and needless to say she picked her ass up off the floor and that was the last time it happened

Sometimes you have to show a teenager you are still the boss

Home of the Triple Surface Pot Call


Dang.......you guys are scaring the crap out of me......  :whew: I have 2 boys, they are 7 and 8, and I don't even want to think about the trouble they are gonna get in. Maybe I will just beat the crap out of em now so I won't have to do it later. J/K. My boys are very good, and they know already who is boss. My youngest is very strong willed, but is still very good.


I've been there Jim. I have 1 girl and 5 boys. All grown now, but have gone thru some crazy things with them. If there is no diciplen now, there'll be no respect later. Stick with it and he'll grow past this stage. They can REALLY try your patience sometimes. All you can do is be their Dad.


Just like we talked about on the phone yesterday! I understand!

Two girls one 16, and one 13 and one boy 15! SHEEEEEWWWW I fell for ya!



This is a "for what it's worth" and it may not have a thing to do with the problems you're having with your son, Jim.   

I detest video games.  I am a firm believer, and have been for many years, that they are a large contributor or at least a major enabler towards much of the problems of youths, including our seeming A.D.D. epidemc.   Lately, research is proving this to be true.  (A good book to read about this is called "Playstation Nation").    Japan is dealing with this issue right now in massive proportions.    Even small "doses" effects the brain in much the same way addictive drugs do, even to the point of having the same behavioral problems between "highs."     It's very alarming stuff.


Right there with ya Jim. I have one that is getting ready to turn 16 and thinks she knows everything there is. I agree 110% on the working them till they want to rest theory. I can wear Cam out and it doesn't faze him, but make him clean his room to "my" specs and the tears roll. They just like to push our buttons and see how far they can get I think. When I was growing up I never did that.... :innocentwhistle:. Or maybe I don't remember cause dad beat the memory plumb out of me :shrug:
My views and opinions are based upon being banned from a place that has no morals or the common sense God gave to a pecker gnat. I also hate frogs and will reply to such at any given chance. Thank You.


never done anything that bad before.  I knew if I would have touched mom It would be hell to pay.  I smacked my brother one day in the dead center of his back and before I knew it my father which was across the room was up and standing in front the right hand came and i was looking up to a index finger and him saying now don't ever do that again.  that was the last time. 
"If you want to know all about a man, go camping with him. Probably you think you know him already, but if you have never camped on the trail with him, you do not". Eldred Nathaniel Woodcock. Fifty Years a Hunter and Trapper.


If a had a nickel for every ass whippin I ever got I wouldn't have to work today!! Then throw in a couple pennies for the stuff I got away with & LOOK OUT VEGAS!!  But I never did that.

I'm Sorry you have to go thru this & I feel for you. I sure hope Kyle can see what he has done & realize just how wrong it was,, & will continue to be,,, for his sake. It won't be long now & he's gonna want to talk things over with you.

I hope his Mom didn't get hurt & is doing OK too!! :biggrin:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


Thanks guys, tonight was his first lengthy journey from his room. He came out real slow, hunched over, and squinting his eyes. Kinda look like Sadam when they pulled him from the hole.

No I'm kidding :laf:

I let him out tonight, we had a pretty long discussion, and I made it real clear that he's not who he thinks he is and that I'll be reminding him of it quite often.

You wouldnt know it's the same kid right now. He's treading extremely lightly
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