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old picture

Started by caller223, August 16, 2007, 04:22:27 PM

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trying to get to 14 post and seeing if I understand picture requirement.  This is old picture of my bud Gerald and me with some tails from weekend hunt on apache reservation.
Richard Grantham

Hawks Feather

Hey caller,

Let me see if I got this right.  You went to an apachie reservation and got all those pieces of tail.  All I can say is that I am glad you posted the picture with that story or there would have been all kinds of replies - most of which would not be any better than this one.   :biggrin:



Jerry, guess I was too brief.  Arizona San Carlos Reservation hunt.  We pulled tails and saved for next meeting of Arizona Varmint Callers Association.  Couple of bobcat skins on bottom.
PS  I'm the good looking guy on right .:>)   picture about 1960
Richard Grantam

Bob D

That was a pretty good hunt. Man ya'll put the hurtin on some predators . How long did it take you to get all that fur? Do you remember what calls you used and what guns you were packin ?
PS check your PM's

Todd Rahm

Cool pic Richard and glad ya can now post pics.  :congrats:


Quote from: Bob D on August 16, 2007, 04:47:00 PM
That was a pretty good hunt. Man ya'll put the hurtin on some predators . How long did it take you to get all that fur? Do you remember what calls you used and what guns you were packin ?
PS check your PM's
Bob, dragging my feet- got your message.  A Rem .222 used , one weekend daylight to dusk, and of course my copies of the Circe calls.  Todd has one of my original  :>) Circe calls.  I turned them on base wood working shop, machinest made step  drill and bored calls on metal lathe, Jack Cain ( Circe Calls)  was a Barber over in Litchfield Az and would tune and give me reeds since I used Circes in contest.
Richard Grantham


That is awesome. I love history......all kinds of history. Ya got any old pictures of calls you used, firearms, other hunts.....just whatever ya got.  :wink:

Am I to assume when you are talking about Gerald, it's Gerald Stewart or is this someone else? I know some of you may already know, but I don't, so shaddup..... :eyebrownod:
Foxpro Staff Infection Free

Rich Higgins

 " I turned them on base wood working shop, machinest made step  drill and bored calls on metal lathe, Jack Cain ( Circe Calls)  was a Barber over in Litchfield Az and would tune and give me reeds since I used Circes in contest"
Richard, did you work with Lew Mossinger?


Rich,  I didn't know or it didn't register with me on Lew.  I know he and Jack developed Circe together.  Jack did tell me that the calls were tested and each step accentuated a frequency ??   Not to brag but I have called coyotes with lots of different calls and think its reed tuninlg and technique-  however the big bell calls seems too loud and bass sounding for me.
Richard Grantham

Rich Higgins

Richard, why I asked is because Lew worked out at Luke also and turned the original wood Circes at the wood shop on base.


I have a feeling "Show and Tell" is going to be fun with you  :biggrin: you can Probably get EVERYONE up to 1000 Post's asking Questions about your Pics,,I LOVE to hear stories about the Good Ole Huntin Days gone By,,PLEASE tell more  :highclap:
You don't shoot to kill; you shoot to stay alive.

A gun in the hand is better than a cop on the phone!!!

Bushmaster Predator .223,,4x14 Burris

Parke-Hale .22-.250 6x24 Tasco

Red Fag is a "Ruling Queen" Then ???

Todd Rahm


Thats great Richard! I enjoyed that picture, thanks for sharing it with us! And its good to see you around!



Todd,  your photography is great,  that call has had some use!  Rich,  figured Lew might have been at Luke,  possible in same shop as Bill Dudley.  I must have met him and just didn't remember. 
Richard Grantham


Yeap...before ya know it your going to have more post than all of us with stuff like this. Keep it coming. I love it.
My views and opinions are based upon being banned from a place that has no morals or the common sense God gave to a pecker gnat. I also hate frogs and will reply to such at any given chance. Thank You.


I find the old pics of predator hunting most interesting.
Great calls you make, Sir. I am fortunate enough to own one. Great pure sound.


I must agree....I own a couple myself, and they are wonderful.

Great seeing you up and at 'em Mr. Granthum!!
