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Hard huntin' in N.M.

Started by Dogwood Creek, October 26, 2007, 05:56:13 PM

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Dogwood Creek

Well, it was tough conditions, but we managed to put 3 in the truck on Tues. That was the only "good" day mother nature would let us have. Things started out looking pretty good Sun morning. Light wind, cool and clear. We had one kick in the back door on the second stand. Rock and I heard it coming, right over his left shoulder. I slowly turned my head to see him toss the kimber to his shoulder. COOL! We're gonna WHACK one! .......... CLICK.  No, we weren't taking pictures. It was the dreaded empty chamber click. We had a couple good laughs over that one. But, who cares, it is only the second stand, and we have 4 days to stack em up. Well, mother nature just has to take every opportunity to be a ....well, you know. The rest of Sunday was awful. It really tore things up over night into Monday. No relief. High winds, high temps, and ever lowering expectations.
  I was getting a little down going into Tues. Old click coined a phrase that stuck like glue. It had to do with coyotes and suction. We had a little lunch in the truck, then headed out for more humiliation at the hands of the coyote gods, and mother nature. The wind had moderated quite a bit by this time, and it was only hitting the low 60s for temperature. We set up on the lip of a nice deep brush choked ravine, and Rock let er rip on some new Dogwood Creek Calls, complete with the new logo and a spiffy Reese rope.( I gotta take care of my guide yo know)
After the requisite elapsed time, we looked at each other in disbelief. There HAD to be a couple in this hole! Just had to! We grumbled a bit, then Rock hissed,"there was a coyote RIGHT THERE!" I looked to the left past him, but there was no yotie there now. He gently played a note or two on a little mylar closed reed I included in his care package. Then lip squeaked a little, and a yote bounced up on the lip of the hole again! This time he dropped her like a bad habit. The ball was rolling now. We felt much better now. with new enthusiasm, we set out after some more.
  It was 1:30 when we looked out over a big greasewood flat. Rock assured me "There is one in here R.J."" Maybe two." We made reference to the coyotes and the vacuum thing a couple times, and set up. It was about the halfway point in the stand, when my man started to lip squeak. I slowly shifted his way to see him carefully pointing to a coyote coming in at 10;00. I had to shift around a little more, when it pulled up short at 75 yards to check the fickle wind. I was on the bugger, considered the wind tickling the back of my neck and decided it was now or never. A 53gr Hornady HP in the neck takes the Sly out of ol' Wily. Two in the truck, and it was early yet.
  We worked our way over half of N.M in the next 2 or 3 hours. Feeling better for sure. It was getting down to the next to the last stand for the day, and my man pulled into a white crap pit (used for building roads) and again assured me "we're gonna kill one here R.J.,Maybe 2."  We " bushed up", and he let go with some X'Citer music that put a real Jackrabbit to shame. It wasn't 5 mins when here comes ol' wily. We had the sun to our backs, so the cards were coming our way this hand. Well, ol wily spooked for just an instant, Rock barked him, and danged if he didn't come right back on track. Coming hard right to left, he turned right down the gun barrel so hard and fast I had to bark him up short. Another ones bites the dust! 3 in the truck!
  We had time for one more stand. Unfortunately, the fun was over for the day. Wed was HOT. Too hot. We hunted some of the best stands before noon, then hung it up for the trip. I had things to tend to, and the weather won again. I had a great time, hooked up with a new good friend, and saw some beautiful country. Old Click can call coyotes. Believe me, the weather stunk, and we still put fur in the truck. Thanks for having me down buddy,R.J.

Dogs number one and two.

Me and my first.

The Rock and the deceased.

Myself and the deceased.

Never give up.

THO Game Calls

Great story and pictures.  Sounds like you had some fun.

Become one of 'The Hunted Ones' with a THO Game Call
Handcrafted Collector Quality - Field Proven Results


Good story & pics. :congrats:

Hawks Feather

I have to agree with Al.  I enjoyed the pics and the story. 



Great write up RJ!! Glad to see you bloodied up that rifle good & proper.  :wink: And Congrats to Rocky for gettin some fur in the sights in that weather. I wouldn't mind having a guide like Rocky sometime.  :eyebrow:   He knows how to kill coyotes. He can also make a helluva good sounding call & he knows where the dogs are.  :wink:  Someday Rocky. :biggrin:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


Awesome, thanks for bringing em in. The one looks like it was hit by a small mortar  :laf:
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  Great replay RJ!  Thanks for sharing.


Congrads dude! Sounds like a hell of a trip!

I know all about the weather! Last years trip we had, rain, every day we had 30 plus MPH winds, and even snow! Yep snow in AZ!

But you still had fun! And made a good friend! That's cool! Congrads!


The Rock

I had a great time running R.J. over half of N.M for 4 days. I'm disappointed about and almost embarrassed about the 3 coyotes in the time hunted but, it was not from lack of effort. It was a tough 4 days of solid hunting. The timing of the trip was bad for R.J with the crappy weather. It's hard to read the weather months in advance. I would love to get a second chance in the future to get R.J down here and tear up some more coyotes. I'm pretty sure we could add a 1 or 2 to the front of that 3 on the kills with the right combination of weather and the DWC calls. It was a good time none the less and I meet a great new friend in the deal.

The day after R.J left I had to return to work. :pout: Of all things (crazy) I shot 2 dogs that day. One fell victim to crossing the road at the wrong time :hahaha: FREEBIE  and the other fell victim to the DWC call I now refer to as CLICK  :biggrin:

Jim: that mortar hole is the outcome of a 50gr sierra @ about 25 yds. It's an entrance hole!  :biggrin:

Hey HaMeR, Come on down! I'm sure Shane, Otis, Kelly, or Myself can get you into some serious coyote action.



I hope to take you fellas up on that sometime Rocky. :biggrin:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11

Dogwood Creek

Hey Glen, I flew out of Cleveland for $295.00 round trip. The room was under $350.00. Rental Jeep was also under $350.00.  Book well in advance and it isn't too expensive.


Sounds good RJ. That seems less expensive than I thought it would be.

I think it would be cool to drop by So Illinois & pick up Red,, from another site,, & drag him & his camper down there for a few days. :biggrin:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11