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Remington is buying Marlin et al.

Started by HaMeR, December 26, 2007, 08:52:04 PM

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Wow.......first Bushmaster, now Marlin......whats next, Chevy?  :laf:


Remember that it is Ceberus - the company that bought Chrysler - who just bought Remington and about a dozen firearms related companies.  Now they are using that leverage to purchase more.   Unfortunately, if past history is any example, when companies like Ceberus go on mass buying sprees like they are on now, it usually ends in a wholesale liquidation of assets and a dissolving of the companies involved.  Like Daimler did to Chrysler, companies like Ceberus typically strip their acquisitions of all their assetts and dump what's left after they've milked it dry.    The more companies Ceberus buys, the bigger hole they are going to leave in the gun world when their buying spree implodes.

Jimmie in Ky

That sounds like what is going to happen in a few years. I been there and got the shaft that way myself. Is ceberus a german company too ? Jimmie



Marlin prices will shoot straight up just to pay for that remington name. Hope not .  :rolleye:


Quote from: Jimmie in Ky on December 27, 2007, 07:03:07 PM
That sounds like what is going to happen in a few years. I been there and got the shaft that way myself. Is ceberus a german company too ? Jimmie

Cerebus is a US hedge fund company that started acquiring other companies about 2 years ago.  Chrysler has been their biggest purchase so far, but they have recently started heavily buying gun companies.  Nobody knows what their plans are.  The folks at CNBC keep saying they are a disaster waiting to happen the way they've been spending their money, but apparently they have billions upon billions to play with at the moment.


I'm glad I bought my Marlins before this happened. :biggrin:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11

Jimmie in Ky

Most of the companies have union labor too don't they. It sounds like they are buying for stripping them. The company I worked for stripped the plants they had for everything they could get and tried to strip the retirement funds as well. What machines they did not sell to third world countries have gone to the scrap heap for whatever scrap prices are now. I have watched a lot of the machinery I worked with piled on trucks with other odd and end junk.  They even started stripping plumbing and electrical wiring while I was still working there.  It took them a lot of years to drain this company but they had to make it look good for the tax man. Jimmie


What's next? A levergun w/ a Remington name on it like the Remington AR15? :shrug:

I don't have a good feeling about this.  :sad: