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Canine Lice

Started by FinsnFur, January 15, 2008, 09:16:06 PM

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A lot of you seen and responded to the post in the Tailgate (What the hell is this?) that I made regarding a shocking discovery on one of my clients hides.

Rick223 did some research and came to the conclusion that it was called canine lice. Now I have been in this business since 1994 and have never in my life seen a case of anything this severe. I've dealt with mange mites, fleas, and the occasional louse infestation just as I'm sure many of you have in the coyotes you take. But not like this.

Brent asked me to take some closer shots of the hide, and he may consider doing an article on canine lice. Seriously you guys need to be aware of this. There has to be virtually no way to pack something like this out of the woods with out scratching yourself bloody on the way home.

This hide is dried. Anyone with half an idea knows that a skinned, tanned and dried, coyote hide does NOT weight anywhere near 5 pounds. Not even close.

Almost every coyote out there, has some sort of parasite on it. It's almost virtually impossible to harvest one that does not. But it's really no big deal, right?
Fleas will without a doubt begin to leave the carcass seconds after the animal dies. They can detect even the slightest drop in body temperature and will abandon their host. Not to mention most fleas will not live on a human, so we rarely have to deal with them very long after bagging a coyote.
The mange mites that I have encountered during my history of the tanning business have always been pretty much (knock on wood) short and sweet. Usually found on the very top of the head of the coyote, or in the armpits, of a mildly infected coyote.
The lice on the pictured coyote were so widely spread, and so concentrated, that this is by far the worst case of anything I have ever witnessed. If any one of you tried to describe to me what I seen on this coyote I'd tell you, you were full of crap.

During the taking of these pictures, my son and I did NOT seek out any particular areas in any way looking for a more highly concentrated patch. I asked him to spread the fur in three different spots, one near the neck, once near the middle of the back, and again near the hind hips. Every square inch of this hide looks exactly like the next, as pictured below.

The following two pictures taken from near the base of the neck

The next three were near the center of the back

And these last three were taken from the hind quarter

Close ups taken from the rubber gloves

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Wowzers, that is nasty. Thanks for the write up and I look forward to learning more about it.
I wonder if this Coyote is a rare case of would the entire family group have this from denning together and what not.

Obamerica      GOD HELP US!


Now I'm gonna start itchin again, man o man thats some nasty little critters there. They must have drove that ole yote nuts.....He's probably glad he's dead!!!   I cant even believe the customer still wants that hide :rolleye: I hope all those things are dead. You sure earned your money on that one.
"The strongest reason for people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government." -- (Thomas Jefferson)



Can ya Brush them all out, or is that what is left AFTER you brushed the Fur out
Those things sure do look nasty !!!
You don't shoot to kill; you shoot to stay alive.

A gun in the hand is better than a cop on the phone!!!

Bushmaster Predator .223,,4x14 Burris

Parke-Hale .22-.250 6x24 Tasco

Red Fag is a "Ruling Queen" Then ???


Most of whats left is adhered to the fur. Keep in mind this coyote went through three washings and this is what's left. A ton, literally has come out during the washings.
Attempting to brush even more out, I'm afraid wont do much other then leave the hair frazzled and man handled appearing.
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Thanks Jim, all these years and I never knew they existed.  In a quick search for your home pet K-9 advantix, or Frontline will take care of the problem.  Thanks Jim !!


Jim, what part of the world did this coyote come from?
Ronnie Cannon



Jim-- I know I gave you some shit over that post but it was all in fun. I'm glad you got it figured out & even more so that you posted the findings from Rick223 & that nobody got sick from those damn things. Thanks for sharing what you found & I'll try to stay calm enough to brush the fur with a stick before I pick up my next one for pictures.  :wink:

Shower time AGAIN!! :puke:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


Glenn LOL  :laf:

Ronnie, this coyote was shipped in from Michigan
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Jimbo: Enquiring minds wanta know ...
Was the fur in good shape?
Did it have places where it bit or scratched itself raw or any other type of scratching/rubbing?
Did the coyote, other than being dead :laf: , seem to be in good health? 
Was it a young pup or an aging dog?
:shrug:  :shrug:  :shrug:

Randy Roede

Jim, did the fur seem greasy. I see this in those coyotes that have the spot rubbed of between their shoulders ,which some view as mange, but the rest of the coyote's pelt is fine. I've posted on this on other forums etc. I think these lice on whatever, not a net. , cause the coyote to scratch and with his back legs he can hit that spot between his shoulder blades. Sometimes the hips rear end will be broke out from the teeth etc. from grooming there again a spot they can reach with their mouth. I've seen numerous coyotes with that bald spot, scratch the heck out of that spot and most have those mites and a greasy look to the pellt. I've seen it all times of the year.



I would like to talk with you about what you have seen on this topic. Can I give you a call?



I honestly dont think the fur has much of a greasy look or appearance to it. Granted fresh out of the tan the fur looks a mess anyway.
This hide will be going in the tumbler tomorrow,  :doh2: well...later today I should say after looking at my clock, and that will pretty much remove any greasyness the fur might have.

I'm still stunned the customer wants this back. So far it cost me 40 gallons of acid since I cannot put anything else in it. And shortly it will cost me 35 lbs of treated hardwood tumbler grit.  :iroll:

I'll take some more pics after it comes out of the tumbler. This should be good  :rolleye:

No bald or wore spots to really speak of Vic and Randy that I have noticed. Keep in mind most of my work to this point has been with the hide inside out.

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Quote from: FinsnFur on January 17, 2008, 01:18:30 AM
I'm still stunned the customer wants this back. So far it cost me 40 gallons of acid since I cannot put anything else in it. And shortly it will cost me 35 lbs of treated hardwood tumbler grit.  :iroll:

Jim, I hope ya got paid up front.  :wink:


Maybe you can charge him extra for tanning all those lice hides as well.  :eyebrow:  :laf:

Hawks Feather

Quote from: vvarmitr on January 17, 2008, 10:04:56 AM
Maybe you can charge him extra for tanning all those lice hides as well.  :eyebrow:  :laf:

:roflmao:    I love that idea.  Jim will be a millionaire. 



 :holdon:  WHAT??!!??!! UNCLE Jimbo is gunna be a milyun air!! I sure hope he doesn't ferget his immedieate Family members here in O HI O!! 

:roflmao: :roflmao:

:shrug:  WHAT??   :innocentwhistle:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


Not even Friday yet and you guys are already 6 sheets to the wind. :laf:
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Well this fur is done, and I am ashamed to send it back.
Yeah he was pretty chewed up around the back of the neck. And it's still embedded with dead louse...the entire thing.

Pics are clickable.

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A person can only do so much with that Jim!! It looks good in the picture but I wouldn't want it back myself. Maybe stick a bio hazard sticker on the package when you send it out.  :puke:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11