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Bow Fishing

Started by Uncle Jay, March 28, 2008, 06:00:33 PM

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Uncle Jay

Does anyone know the correct recipe for when the carp start their spawn?  :shrug:

Water temps, moon phase, air temps, weed blooms, ????  Whatever it is that gets them started????

Uncle Jay

Hawks Feather


Not real sure, but I think it is when the females fill with eggs.    :laugh2:    :laugh2:




 :roflmao: :roflmao: never thought of that.

Jay...take a gander at this attachment :wink:
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Hawks Feather


You wrote an excellent article.  I only thought that you "caught" fish and now I know better.


Uncle Jay

Thanks Jim.
That's way more info than the G&F know about here in AZ.
Was hoping for a water temp or even better a date (preferrably weekend).

Last year I went out twice.
The first time was obviously too early.
Two weeks later it was already over.
Had to shoot at cruisers.
Uncle Jay


I didnt write that Yerry, I actually stumbled on it one day and saved it when I was collecting things to make content with for the Fins and Fur Outdoors.net main site.

I dont spose you guys see much flood water down there Jay, but here the carp are running through flooded boat landings like missiles ever spring. I'm on Wisconsin's  lower Mississippi Riverway, I'd say by the end of April up here in the tundra we'll be going through our spawn. Even after the high water goes down, when the water temps start to rise and the sun is shinning bright, the Carp will be spawning.
I time it by the bass spawn. Our bass spawn when the water starts to hump the hell out of 70 degrees. That happens around the second week of June...give or take. And the Carp are always immediately before it.
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Uncle Jay

I've seen the carp spawn in late April to mid May here in AZ.
Not much flooding during this time of year in AZ.
In the Phoenix valley area we get around 7 /12 inches of annual rain.
A half inch dump will get everything to flooding.

Typically in August I vacation in MO and spend around 3 days flinging arrows at needle-nose.
Uncle Jay


QuoteThe first time was obviously too early.
Two weeks later it was already over.

Up here on the Susky River its the same way, have to time just right in the spring.  The water is still a touch on the high side.  One week they're runnin like hell, the next week they're gone and not bunched up. 

northern coyote

hey silencer, you oughta come up north, we have a 2 week stretch seems like no matter where you go on my section of lake Ontario, you just cant run outta carp to shoot,
I'm learnin' and I've got nothin' but time


Jay, Go to a website called carpbusters.com , at least I think that is the name of it. If that doesn't work google it. The guys name is Robert Rice, he is the man when it comes to knowing about carp.
Ronnie Cannon
