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Started by Silencer, October 13, 2008, 03:01:52 PM

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My boy somehow downloaded this anitvirus 2009 and its actually just like a virus or is.  No matter what website I visit it says I have a security problem and kicks me off after a while.  I cant seem to find the program anywhere.

Is it attached to another program or something ?  I'm lost, I'm usually good at this sorta thing. 

I would run the recovery disk but my disc drive fried months ago, somehow its also blocking my recovery to where I can go back from a certain date.

Any suggestions other than takin out back and putting the sledge to it ? 

Thanks man



Ok, I went into MSCONFIG and at least got it so it dont load up when I boot.... GRRRRRRRRR 

That boy's gonna be the death of me

that apparently didnt work, cuz I just got blocked 3 times tryin to update my post.


Can you find it under Control Panel, Add/remove programs?
Al Prather
Foxpro Field Staff


Al, nope, its not listed and seems like its attached to something. 


I just found it allowed itself through my pop up blocker.   I removed it from there.  Maybe I can at least surf the forums now.


Silencer what was the file name or how did you go about finding it? I htink I have the same thing on my laptop.
Ronnie Cannon



not even sure the file name, but the website was www.personal something or other.com  .  I guess I shoulda wrote it down but I'm so dang p.o.e'd   :argh:   

I'll get this SOB !!!!!!!  muahahahahahaha !!!!!!!!!!!! 

Even after I've removed it from allowing it to pop up, it has another way to do it.   


Do you know what it's called?
You mentioned you can't find it in add/remove, so if you at least can tell us what it's called.
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Ok, I found it. It really is called antivirus 2009, and it says it's commonly contracted via adult sites :innocentwhistle: :eyebrow:

Do you have real antivirus installed and what OS you running?
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Sounds like a form of malware to me.  I accidentally downloaded something like that one time, and it dominated my computer until i found out in a newsletter from Truthorfiction how to get rid of this particular cancer.  Some of those maggots create spyware that keeps you from even naming your home page.  What usually happens is you are downloading some program from the internet, and you don't read your EULA sections close enough and you end up authorizing them to plant that crap on your computer.  A real Geek told me when I was first getting started to avoid downloading programs from the internet as much as possible, and I do believe that was good advice.
Al Prather
Foxpro Field Staff


the antivirus I'm running is avast.  Doesnt seem to be picking it up.  I'm running windows XP


AAh.... thanks Jim, at least Im on the right track now.  Its a son of a gun it is... 


Welp... if yall dont see me for a while I'm in the process of getting a new PC.   This thing has so much BS on it, its not even worth attempting to fix. 

Hopefully I'll see yall in a few weeks.    Keep the camp fire burning !!!


Hey Silencer: Give Pitstop Optimize 2 a try before giving up.  It will get rid of malware, spyware, and errors in your registry.
Al Prather
Foxpro Field Staff


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