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Started by Rifle 223, December 08, 2006, 02:08:24 PM

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Rifle 223

I am going to get a Garmin GPS for Hunting is the etrex vista cx OK
What do you all think all so I need a good map to go with it

Dale in OK


Sorry no one has replied to this. The most of them here are sooo lost that a GPS wouldn't do'em any good any how. :shck:
I don't use one because my area is so populated I can always find someone to tell me were to go.  :iroll:  They're not always nice though like the woman whos cat I gut shot.  That dern thing flipped & flopped all the way to her back deck & then died. :rolleye:  When she saw that poor kitty w/ about 20ft of fiddle string all over the deck, boy did she get a bit upset. :argh: That's when I made like I was lost  & told her I only shot the cat as a last ditch effort for survivial.  Then I found out that she was proficient in F-wordise & exclaimed I could go to a much warmer climate. :huh:  She then said she was getting her Rottenwelders after me. She stopped when I quickly explained that I had worked in an Asian Resturant once was still quite abit hungrey. :eyebrownod: (Quick thinken, huh? :eyebrow: )  At that she let out a loud huhuph, picked her pussy up off the deck , like she hoped I'd starve, & whirled into the house & headed straight to the phone. Me, I beat feet over the hill.

My suggestion to you is not to go so far as you don't know how to get back to the rig, & spent that $ on other hunting gear. :wink:


Vic.........that's funny right thar......... :roflmao:

"Asian Restaurant"  :laf: :laf:
Foxpro Staff Infection Free



The etex vista should be a fine unit. Get some good mapping software.


I don't own a GPS unit myself (really never had a need) but I may someday.
As a backup to your GPS uni it's good to have a compass and topo map of the area... and know how to use them.

Here's a link (and a bunch of reading) that may give you some answers:


Please visit our ol' buddies over at: http://www.easterncoyotes.com

Born and raised in the southern highlands of Appalachia, I'm just an ol' country boy who enjoys calling coyotes... nothing more, nothing less.


Thanks Bopeye, coming from you that is quite a complement! :biggrin: