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Spring Bear Stand

Started by Tikaani, May 24, 2009, 02:01:31 PM

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After spending the weekends this winter cutting a trail in to an area for Spring bear, I finally set up my stand and baited it this last week.  Went in ten or so days ago with the Argo and widened the trail and cut out any stumps left from the winter cut due to snow depth.  Cut to a creek crossing at the abandoned trail head and decided against crossing at that location.  Walked about 150 yards down the creek and ran into an old trappers cabin and decide this was the place.  It is about a half mile from my original choice but thought it would make a fine place to sit out the evenings waiting for a bruin.  Went in later that week with the wife and baited it as well as hang a couple of beaver carcasses up.  Went in Friday night and one of the beavers had been eaten as well as a small amount of dog food.  I am not sure what ate it as the trail camera did not work.  May have been a wolf or a bear that is just starting to eat more than grass since coming out of his or her den and still has some intestinal issues from the long winter.  Will go back out tonight. 

Hunt hard, Die tired.

Old trappers Cabin.

Hanging some rotting beaver carcasses, to a bear this is like bacon to you or me.


Growing Old Ain't for Pussies.


Great pictures and story, John!   I really enjoy reading about your adventures in Alaska.  I hunted black bear up in Canada many years ago.  I remember saving bacon grease for 6 months prior to the trip.  We smeared it on the logs covering the rotten meat the guides provided.   Once the bears start hitting the bait sites they seem to come pretty regular.   Good luck on your hunt!   :yoyo:

Hawks Feather


Neat pictures.  I would loved to have seen pictures of the cabin when it was first built.  Good luck on your bear hunt.



 :yoyo: :yoyo:
I hope ya fixed the trail camera problem......
I see an interesting hunt in your near future...... :eyebrownod:


Golly that looks awesome John.  I hope you get bears coming in to your bait [if you really want them] but I would think fishing would bring in as many as a bait by the TV shows I see.  Thanks for taking us along on your trails cause I for one really appreciate it.
I say what I think not think what I say.


Got in from the stand this evening.  What was left of the one carcass is gone but the bait was untouched, leaves me to believe it is a coyote or fox.  Put out a 5 gallon bucket of the secret sauce (salmon guts and heads that have been rotting in a sealed bucket since last June).  Came home will make a trip in mid week maybe.

Hunt hard, Die tired
Growing Old Ain't for Pussies.


I think I could come with another use or two for the secret sauce  :shrug:  Good luck with this venture John.
I say what I think not think what I say.


Good stuff.
Keep givin us the play by play. 


Just got back from taking the mother inlaw home.  She was here for a week.  After the week I had, that trappers cabin (even smeared with fish sauce) looks dang inviting!  LOL! 

Keep at it John.  I'm sure we'll be seeing some trophy photos of a bear before it's all said and done.  Down this way, instead of using a dead beaver.  Folks just hang a bird feeder full of seed.  The bears rip them down, eat the contents, then check out the garbage cans.  The fancier and more expensive the bird feeder, the better! LOL!  Of course you can't shoot them here off bait.  I believe the bears know that? LOL!  Have a great hunt!
