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Our economy again

Started by FinsnFur, June 04, 2009, 05:59:33 AM

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Just wondering where the failing economy sets in some of your areas, different areas around the country, Canada.

Earlier in the year, when people were freaking out and wondering if they should remove their money from the banks and losing their jobs, etc. I was working a week then a week off, lots of trucks and SUV's for sale on every street corner, foreclosure signs in over a dozen homes here in my town with population of 700.

I can remember talking to CCP and and he said they hadn't really noticed and decline in anything down there. He was busy at work, things were mildly above normal.
I just kinda figured it was going to hit different areas in a different way and at different times.

I know Indiana had an all time high with a 64% unemployment rate last month.

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Just about everyone I know is out of work around here........We can not find a good job and all the So So jobs are being filled with young folks.
Our unemployment #'s are only good for those still receiving benefits....once the benefits run out for these people they no longer count them as unemployed in the percentage to make themselves look good.
Things are so bad here that a local company opened a new dept. and hired 30 people.....the Governor showed up to thank them and it was on TV...... :rolleye: Only Thousands more to go!
I have filled out countless applications and had 2 responses both saying that I am overqualified.
I am going back to school soon and hope to finish my second AAS deg. and will look into a bachelors.
After that I should be so over qualified I will never work again....... :laf:

Hawks Feather

We had the trucks, SUVs, and vans for sale on almost every corner when the gas was $4.00 a gallon, but as soon as the gas prices dropped they were no longer for sale.  It will be interesting to see what happens now as gas prices here are going back higher - almost daily.  While I hear that there are many that are not working here, there are still two things that haven't changed - the number of available jobs in the paper and the free and reduced lunch price percentage at the schools.  Back when the auto industry took a hit the last time (like 20 years ago) both of these two things changed.  There were VERY few job postings listed and the free and reduced lunch percentage really jumped.  While the jobs that are listed are not for $200,000 CEOs who don't need any experience, they would allow a family of three or four to survive - that is unless they are like some of the people that think they need a new house, car, truck, pool, etc.


Carolina Coyote

Its really beginning to show around here, lots of houses for sale, my  Daughter works for a Mortgage company and she says the refinancing is just unreal. Big developments just about shut down. cc

Todd Rahm

Well we still don't have ammo, but AR's are starting to show up in the stores again, at normal prices.  :biggrin:


Hasnt changed much around here, Susq. Co. is still the arm-pit of Pennsylvania.  Seems we've always been in this type of economic crisis.  There's never been jobs here since the rail-road shops pulled out before I was born. 

Jimmie in Ky

Still in the crapper here. No jobs and no money floating around. Folks are sticking to home and holding on to what they have. A few carpentry jobs showed up in th papers but they only hire the young. Jimmie


Well, the reason I'm wondering is because things seem to be very very mildy improving around here.
Like Jerry mentioned the amount trucks and SUV's for sale has declined.
Our gas prices shot up during memorial weekend, but they peaked at a $2.80 average. Were now down to $2.60 with a slight drop every couple days.
I expect it to shoot back up for the Fourth of July.

But there's lots of jobs in the papers, everything from accounting, engineering, laborers, cooks, milkers, contractors, etc. And we just hired a dozen people where I work, because they sold over 30 modular homes last month and since were going up in production we need the help.
They squawk about over time, but they always did. I hit my forty hours today, 3/4's of the way through the day. They wanted me to leave but they cant do what needs to be done short handed. So the rest of the day and all day tomorrow, I'm on time and a half.

There also seems to be a lot of folks who'd I'd never imagine driving around brand new vehicles around here. Granted some of these dealers are offering unbelievable interest rates, and rebates, but still. Thats the last thing I would want to buy.

I have a feeling, and I hope I'm wrong, that while what I'm seeing here seems like a reassuring sign, it's going to be short lived. I cant see it any other way.

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It is pretty bad when I talk to the guy at the unemployment office......I used to work with him at the shovel plant....
He rolled his eyes and said good luck youre gonna need it. :rolleye: