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This Moose is HUGE!!!

Started by Bopeye, August 16, 2009, 08:09:49 AM

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Todd Rahm

Nice pics John!!! I hadn't seen anyone cut the moose in half before like that bottom pic. Well I have, just not that soon in the dressing process. It done for an avantage or just as preference?


THAT is a lot of meat!  No wonder you got big wolves up there.   :eyebrownod:  Great pics!


Just the way I was taught Todd.  Split the pelvic bone so the innards roll out.  Winch them up on to the Argo trailer in halves with hide, get them up on to the meat pole in the tree.  If you look no meat is exposed to the ground and what is exposed is not usually edible or very little is.  Split the halves down the middle with a sawzall, we keep the ribs attached so there are four true quarters.  We then skin them in the air (no accidentally kicking or the meat hitting dirt) and then bag them.  Tarp over them to protect from rain and build a small fire using green wood and leaves to keep out bugs (smudge pot).  Took Mark and I about two hours last year from the time he was shot to bagged and tarped (not this photo, different moose).

Growing Old Ain't for Pussies.


Now that is cool.
I could feed my family of .... :confused: .... two...for a year or more. :biggrin:
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John I'll eat the meat at your table any day :yoyo:  You look like a man who cares more about his stomach than his walls to me :laf:  Those would haul in really clean and I do hate guys/gals that abuse meat :argh:

Do the Shira's moose have less palmation on their antlers?  The ones I saw in NW`MT didn't have the palms of the one around here and I'm  :wo:ing.  They also didn't look as large as ours for the size of head gear they had. :shrug:.
I say what I think not think what I say.

George Ackley

Do the Shira's moose have less palmation on their antlers

you are right Sr. the shiras head gear in the 40'' rangs is a bigone

being from so far east and i drive everywhere the head gear is what i am looking for the only reason i have never took part in a moose hunt is i  don't feel i could get the meet home in good shape. it would be a 7 to 8 thousand mile trip for me to go back to BC for a moose hunt now if i could donate most of the meat then that would be a hole new ball game. my family live 90 present off white tail doe when it comes to meat.

besides there is  a reson i hunt preastors around the country , that is ,i can do it my self so it fits in my budget no big whate tail hunts or moose hunt in my future . 
Lift Your Truck, Fat Girls Cant Jump


Wow!! This thread did go a lot more than I thought. Thanks a bunch guys.  :highclap:
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Tikaani (john), I really enjoyed those pics...thanks for taking the time to share those. :yoyo: :yoyo: