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Financial Crisis

Started by JohnP, October 07, 2009, 02:27:28 PM

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Most states are in a financial crisis and our state is just one of the many, but we rank in the top 5.  Our school district just recently asked the tax payers for a budget over ride, you know typical government BS don't worry about your budget just write a check.  This came on the heels of a rather healthy pay raise for the Superintendent of County Schools, from $98,000 per year to $128,000 per year!!!  A recent study by the Pew Hispanic Center  estimates 60,000 to 65,000 students in Arizona public schools are illegal aliens costing an estimated $650 million per year.   One local politician said those numbers are probably low and the cost is probably closer to $800 million and may be as high as $1.5 billion.  This is one problem even a liberal politician should be able to figure out, but can't.  This is just the tip of the iceberg, when you consider food stamps, free medical care, direct financial aid, housing assistance and a host of other "aids" the cost is staggering and maybe sufficient to get us out of debt.  This doesn't even take into consideration the cost to hire state employees to administer these programs.
When they come for mine they better bring theirs

Carolina Coyote

JP, Its probably going to get a lot worse with this administration  when they tack on the new Health Care package.  :argh:  :argh: cc


On the bright side, Arizona's Maricopa County runs a fairly cost efficient jail.   :biggrin:   


Don't remember the sheriff's name, but we need more like him.

Christian Outdoorsman. Certified Ohio Hunter Ed and Trapper Ed Instructor.


Joe Arpaio - "America's Toughest Sheriff"  The county has ordered him to stop his illegal alien sweeps as had our previous Governor.  His reply was screw you I don't work for the county supervisors or the governor - I work for the people of Maricopa County.  The liberal news, liberal politicians, the ACLU, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and the likes have all tried to shut him down but with no success.  At election time the smallest amount of votes he has ever received was 75%. 
When they come for mine they better bring theirs