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Frogman's been getting out some . . .

Started by Frogman, December 14, 2009, 03:56:36 PM

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Hey guys,

I haven't been on the forum much recently.  Lots of other stuff going on.  I have been getting out some, crow hunting, deer hunting etc.  Here in WV it's difficult to coyote hunt this time of year.  All the deer hunters are out in the woods and we have to wear blaze orange when out hunting.  The other hunters have the coyotes on their toes and even harder to call in than usuall!  

I did get in a little crow hunting a few weeks back . . .

Here is one of the areas we called in . . .

Some of the results . . .

I even managed to get one . . .

We did an exploratory scouting trip down to Southern WV were we had heard there were lots of coyotes and bear.

This area is near Whitesville WV were I had my first school teaching job back in the early 70s.  There are lots of strip mines and very steep mountains in this area.  We did find some bear sign . . .

We traveled way back in some haul roads and found this huge sludge pond.

We didn't find much coyote sign in this area??

I did a little deer hunting.

There were some nice scrapes in this haul road.  So far I haven't seen a deer worth fooling with.  We have this week of muzzle loading season left and I hope to get out a couple more times!

Here are some pictures of a large flock of wild turkeys that came out in a large field while I was deer hunting.

We counted at least 60 turkeys in this group.  There were so many that it was hard to count them as they moved around so much.  Several of the toms were strutting.  Pretty exciting.  It's always good to get out of the recliner.  Even if you don't shoot anything!!

Hope you guys enjoy the photos.  Good hunting!!


You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!


Looks like you had a fine time!  Thanks for taking us along.  Looks like the country I grew up hunting in Western PA.



Most wonderful pics Jim.  I can't say as I like the hill thing you speak of but they sure look like they'd be fun to try.  What's the pipe for along the two track?
I say what I think not think what I say.



RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


QuoteWhat's the pipe for along the two track?

Barry it is how they get their sunshine back behind some of those hills down into the holler. :laf:

Nice pic's Jim! :highclap: and thanks for bringing us along on your trip I enjoyed it.



Thats some nice looking countryside. Wish I were out Crow/coyote/deer/bear/whatever/not working/outside/hunting this week. :pout:


Thanks for sharin the pics with us !
Always enjoy seein other parts of the country.


I thought the topic was he's been getting some.
  :holdon:  :huh: :nofgr:  :roflmao:

So whats up with the pipeline?
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saw someone wearing the feather flage. how does that work ?? ok inknow it looks like ducks and blends in :roflmao: get good results from it  i mean??



I think the pipeline was for natural gas, but I'm not sure.  It was bigger than the gas lines here in Northern WV where I live.


My hunting friend swears by the feather flage camo.  We were coyote hunting last summer and he stayed at a stand while I walked around to a differnet location to get closer to some coyotes we could hear.  When I looked back aat where he was sitting I couldn't see him.  He was in the shade though.  Seems to be as effective as other brands of camo.

You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!


Hey Jim. I'm glad to see you guys are getting along once again. I like hunting alone sometimes but in our areas/terrain it's easier with a partner.

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


Great pics frogman and WOW what a flock of turkeys...been a while since I seen a flock that big.