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Exciting morning . . .

Started by Frogman, December 16, 2009, 06:27:46 PM

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Apparently the lack of movement on your part was key too Jim. Plus you probably had those Muck boots on too. Those are about 3yrs old now & I imagine the soles don't smell as bad as they did when new. Just a couple thoughts.

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


Thanks for the input guys.


I was very still.  I figured that as soon as the coyote saw me it would take off.   Had the Rockys on though, not the Mucks??  Don't know why he didn't react to the scent trail I left??  I do try to keep my hunting clothes in a sealed box.  That might have helped.  But I think Richard is on track.  These coyotes were in hunting mode.  Mike saw three (maybe the same ones I saw) spook some deer.  I think they were concentrating on finding something to eat??  I killed my first coyote on this farm and have called it several times since then with no further success.  I'm looking forward to getting back out there after deer season ends, but I will not be surprised if I don't call anything in??  At least I know there are coyotes in the area.  Maybe the cold weather is forcing them to be more aggressive in their hunt for food?  The more I learn, the more I feel I don't know??  Sure was an exciting morning and I'm looking forward to trying agian!!

Would you guys set up in the same place or should I try a different location?  Maybe try some deer or fawn distress sounds??  Start out with some low distress sounds, or some loud howls??  How would you guys do it if you could join me on a return visit?? 


You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!


Frogman make a new post with aerial pic's and mark your location.




I will try to post aerial photo . . .

Hope this comes out well enough to be useful.  Chronology was:  1.  found tracks in road in holler,  2.  walked up haul road and set up at red x,  3.  buddy set up at blue x saw deer,  4.  I had close coyote come in red dashes and tried to shoot 10:00 AM,  5. couple minutes later two more coyotes came from top of hill down haul road,  6.  several minutes later buddy saw three coyotes upper red dashes.

I have not been able to get these aerial photos to come out well in the past?? Hope this works better this time!  Thanks for everyones input!! 

You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!


Well, that still didn't come out well.  How do I get the aerial photo to come out larger so you can read the captions and see the terrain??  I copied the Google image to Print.  Did the captions and arrows.  Then saved the image.  Then copied it to Photobucket.  It still came out too small to read??  Help??

You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!