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Christmas coming can you help???

Started by CCP, November 17, 2009, 03:13:22 PM

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 You are all a bunch of stand up people and proud to call you my friends. I hope by others reading this post and seeing the things you guys have done it has caused some  to give a little more this Christmas. :highclap:

Merry Christmas and God bless.




Also for those of us living in the cold......Please remember the elderly and the sick....something as simple as getting gas....or going grocery shopping can be a difficult task for some that are to proud to ask for help.....
Dont just ask if you can help... :nono: ......Go help!  :eyebrownod:  As there is always a need.

A fellow was driving home one cold winter night.....He felt overwhelmed that God was asking him to go get some milk??
He looked up and said God....I dont need any more milk right now....
As he continued the feeling grew....Go get some milk!!
He went to the store and purchased a Gal. of milk and started for home.....
He looked up and said....OK God I did what you said....I got milk....now what??
The car immediately died....to no avail the car would not start again.
The man saw a light on in a tiny house and as he approached he could hear a baby cry.
He softly knocked on the door to ask for help and he realized he still had the milk in his hand.
A young man opened the door and had a look of amazement on his face......He started to cry....
When asked whats wrong?......the young man said the baby needed milk....But we have no money.
And we just got off our knees asking that God would send an angel with some milk and here you are.....
When he gave them the milk he went right back to his car....it started......and now he makes an effort to find a need....and makes an effort to fill that need when he can. :wink:


My club brothers and I do a cook out for the local veterans home each year at the end of September.  We donate the food and do the cooking for the vets and their families.  Some of the old guys come out, most in wheel chairs, to look at and talk about our bikes and reminisce on the old days.  The families and vets look forward to this event each year as much as we do providing it to them.