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4 second coyote stand

Started by linemansteve, February 07, 2010, 07:54:33 PM

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I would just like to say I had a great time at the LBL hunt. I 've got to meet more of the great guys who are on this forum. I followed weedwalker to the LBL on Wednesday and after unpacking I went for a afternoon hunt with frogman and had a great time Jim is a great guy to hunt with. Even though we did not see any coyotes in the area we hunted Jim told me they went back a few days later and got one there. Weedwalker and my self went out Friday in the rain to see if we could scare something up. We started high on the ridges and worked our way in to the bottoms with out much luck. We then moved to a old logging road that ran out on this ridge. We made a set about half way down and came up empty. We worked to the end of the ridge and it was very thick. Ed said he was going to set there with his shotgun, I was carrying my rifle and it was way to thick in that area for me so I told him I was going to move over on the side of the ridge to find a clear area to watch. I moved to edge and it was still thick so I went around and down the ridge to a small clearing and set up. Ed had told me to blow my rabbit call 4 times and he would start calling. I had just put the call down and I heard something behind me when I tuned my head there was two coyote's the closest at 6 feet from my left shoulder. He was skidding to a stop by his speed carried him by me and he made 2 small hops when I barked at him and he stopped  15 feet away, and he was in the cross-hairs. What Ed heard was the rabbit calls and seconds later my gunshot, he thought  I had dropped my gun and went off. The red X was my seat the blue line was the coyotes and blue X was the shot. I would also like to thank everyone who donated prizes to give aw and to Ed for showing me you can call in coyotes with mouth calls.   Thanks  Linemansteve
No signature required,my hand shake or my word is good enough.
Saw a women texting while driving and it really pissed me OFF, so I rolled down my window and threw my beer at her.


You cant believe everything Ed says....but I see you found something :roflmao:

Congrats on putting the fur down :yoyo: Looks like a nice blonde.
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Congrats !!  :congrats: :congrats:


You did a fine job with the hand calls Steve. :congrats: :congrats: :congrats:
It was nice to get to hunt with you again. Hopefully we'll get a few more before spring. :yoyo:


Nice shooting! It was good t meet you. Looking fwd to next yeat all ready!
Go afield with a good attitude, with respect for the wildlife you hunt and for the forest and fields in which you walk. Immerse yourself in the outdoor experience. It will cleanse your soul and make you a better person. (Fred Bear)


 :bowingsmilie: Now that's a close encounter! Nice job!
Take your kids hunting and you won't have to hunt your kids!




Very nice Steve. I wish I would have known who you were there. With that other bunch from another board there, I just assumed you were with them. I sure would have liked to talk with you. Too many folks to meet and not enough time. I reckon there's always next year.  :yoyo:
Foxpro Staff Infection Free


 :yoyo: I got to hear about this directly from you, enjoyed seeing the pics!  :yoyo:
Yotehntr calls... put something pretty on your lips :wink:




Good to see you put fur down Steve and even better to chat with you for a spell. Nice truck BTW.  :yoyo:



Steve great story and pic's. I enjoyed seeing you and hopefully we can chat a little more next time.

I did learn a new fraze from you FM and I have already used it today. :laf:



Getting the story from you again Steve takes me right back there :yoyo:.  It was a real pleasure getting to chat with you on the ground at LBL.  I'm still in awe of you getting one with a rifle[on a bipod no less] in that closed i country :bowingsmilie:.
I say what I think not think what I say.