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called in 2 dogs lol

Started by Silencer, March 10, 2010, 09:02:36 AM

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What a gorgeous morning to be out in the great outdoors.  Flock after flock of geese migrating back north, chipmunks are coming out and the birds are starting to chirp like its spring gobbler season.

I find myself back at the swamp as the suns coming up.  I couldnt sneak in very well from the days warming the snow and the nights freezing it so I got in as close as I thought I could without spooking anything.

This is a pic of behind my location atop the ridge im on, wind blowing in the suns direction... perfect !!!

This here's a pic of where I was looking out in front. 

I get to calling and taking everything in and so DAMN HAPPY to be out today, felt soooo good.
Nothing's showing up playing the rabbit blues so I swtich over to juvi-red fox and I hear some very loud crashing coming up the ridge from around the point.   
I shoulder up the .222 and the heart starts racing !!!   First ones black.....  the other is.... WTH a collie ????   a freakin lab and a collie... :holdon:   :alscalls: ROFLMAO   they're domestics !!!!   

They run right up to the call looking at it no clue that I'm there.   Sooooo I get to messing with them, barkin', howling... lol.. they're lookin at the call tilting their heads..   Finally the collie figures me out but still dont know what I am and the stare down begins.   ( the lab was still amazed by the call )
Collie starts walking tward me and I jump up a with a big ROAR !!!!     :alscalls:  Dang thing pissed itself right there and run like hell with its tail between its legs with the lab  following.   

Ah... what a productive stand !!!!    :alscalls:   :biggrin: 

They both had collars and licenses.... wonder what collar bling brings these days at the dealers ???


lol done the same thing yesterday morning called up a jack russel - beagle mix lol came in 5 yards i let him look around for a minute then i booed at him he ran about 50 yards then stopped and headed back toward me like he was gona eat me up lol that would have been bad for him lol.


 :laf: :laf: That was a fun story Vic.  You ever thought of picking a good one to take home with you :shrug:.
I say what I think not think what I say.


 :alscalls: :alscalls: :alscalls:

been there a few times.....


And you didnt get any pics?  :laf:

That actually happen to me down in Arizona once. Some quail hunters dog came charging in. If it was for Lynn charging me and yelling, I woulda rolled it.  :doh2:
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HAHA   woulda felt bad if you dropped em both...


You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!

nor-cal yote

Talking with the gov. trapper a few weeks back, hes having a problem with pit bulls, that either get loose or are turned out and are causing problems for property owners. I have never called one in, but I have called a few ranch owners dogs in, had one come in from behind and growl one night, kinda scares the L out of ya.
never yell whoa in a horse race


had the same thing happen to in 09 . on mlk day .w as off from work and had 3 of the neighbors dogs show up, showed me jsut how fast things happen in yote huntin. 1st dog hit my quiver critter and gone like a flash


Great story.  I'd have loved to see that collie scramblin away sneakin peaks back toward you. :alscalls:


Had a boxer & shepherd come in on a hunting buddy one time.  He was on the edge of the woods & I was back in a little ways watching the backdoor.  They spotted him right away & went to give him "L" & him w/ one of those daym T/C single shots.  :doh2:
Before it got bad I grabbed my howler & did the kj-yis (yipes I call 'em). They lit a shuck getting outta there then! :wink: