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I Missed!!!

Started by Hidehunter, April 28, 2010, 08:22:50 PM

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 :madd:  Went turkey hunting yesterday morning and at about 10:00am hadnt heard or seen the first bird but found some fresh yote sign.  I had night hunted there last year so I new a good spot to set-up and call.  I always carry a small howler Alscalls made for me a couple years ago.  I set up and was doing my best pup in distress (sounds more like a Ki-Yi I think).   I called on and off for about 2 min. and then off to my left I seen him running as hard as he could go across an open area to my left.  He had snuck downwind and behind me and I got busted before I ever knew he was there.  I got the first shot off at about 120 yards and followed up with 2nd with no connection.  I thought I lead him perfect but I guess not.  I will give it a while and go set up right on them in a couple months.


I missed?
We dont use such foul language around here GunDog. :huh: Thats like the number one cardinal sin. :sad3:

But on a lighter note, you got one close enough for a shot :yoyo:
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They can run pretty fast, can't they?  I've missed a couple myself????

You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!


Quote from: FinsnFur on April 28, 2010, 08:42:36 PM

We dont use such foul language around here GunDog. :huh:
How does GunDog figure into this?  :confused:  Pay attention Jimbo! :nofgr:

Pay back!  :laf: