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Boarder State Reality Check......

Started by FOsteology, April 29, 2010, 10:28:59 AM

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For those of you that don't live in a boarder state.... a little "education" and insight into the issues and problems that have been on-going for far too long....



There is a quick answer to this, but I ain't putting it on a public forum.


THANK YOU FOsteology!  I think that a post like this means a lot more coming from someone that isn't as close to the problem as I am.  Most if not all the pictures are within spitting distance of our place.  The pictures of the back packs and clothing hung on the barbed wire was a project my son started many years ago.  He is very active in the Minutemen and any other border watch program and has spent many nights on the mountain watching and reporting illegals to the BP.  He has come under intense harassment by many of the pro immigration groups and has had threatening phone calls and mail.  The photos that mention Hereford Road and Moson Road are also visible from our front porch.  Davis Road, near Tombstone is a favorite calling spot for me and many of the pictures that I have posted are from that general area.  Now if I'm calling in that area I take my AR.  We can only have a five round mag when hunting but I always have two twenty round mags in my pocket.  The picture of the Huachuca mountains is where we are located at and our mailing address is Hereford also mentioned numerous times in the pictures.  

I would urge, plead, beg each and everyone of you to write your two Senators and tell them that you support Arizona's new immigration law and urge them to enact a similar law in your state.  
When they come for mine they better bring theirs


Quote from: vvarmitr on April 29, 2010, 11:06:15 AM

There is a quick answer to this, but I ain't putting it on a public forum.

Shoot - Shovel - Shut Up.   :innocentwhistle:
When they come for mine they better bring theirs


Great pics. I've seen it myself . The government won't stop it because they want their votes.


Quote from: JohnP on April 29, 2010, 01:05:23 PM
Quote from: vvarmitr on April 29, 2010, 11:06:15 AM

There is a quick answer to this, but I ain't putting it on a public forum.

Shoot - Shovel - Shut Up.   :innocentwhistle:

DAMN STRAIGHT!!  :yoyo: :yoyo:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


Make's me wanna move to Arizona!

Kudo's to the State goverment for doing what the Fed's dont have the gonad's to do! :yoyo: :yoyo: :yoyo:
"Choot...Choot em Jacob!"


Hawks Feather

This is quite a post and will meet with support from all, or I would hope all, that are here.  The problem is that the 70% of the population who support not allowing illegals in or anything else, are not being represented by some members of Congress.  Some of the members of Congress are sheep and are following the black sheep at the lead.



Wow....very interesting and yet shocking to me wayyyyyyyyy up here.

So these woman are getting raped and in many cases probably sent up here with an unwanted child from an unwanted perpetrator. That is pretty overwhelming right there.

I'm still shocked as to why the government allows all this illegal immigration. The "for the votes" thing dont make a lot of sense to me. Dont you have to be a legitimate US citizen to vote.

The desert is a big desolate place....it'd be fairly easy to line those fences with Mexican corpses instead of dirty jeans :innocentwhistle: What'ya think theyd think of that visual message?
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IF they can get the illegals processed in time for the November election they will have the right to vote. The other problems are the Farmers that want the cheap labor. I understand wanting cheap labor but they need to be paying taxes on their income. And Jeb Bush is stepping up & spouting off about how Arizona is in the wrong too with their new legislation. I would rather see the fences lined up with the dead bodies myself. That would be like shooting prairie dogs in a barrel.  :yoyo: :yoyo:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11

nor-cal yote

     I live quite abit north of the border, but the problem with the illeagles here is they move onto the National Forest and grow marijuana, they tear up all the springs poach animals, start forest fires, leave all there garbage and just f the place up. The LEO's that work on the forest, have deported over 65 in the last 2 mounths. They are trying to get there crop in for the year, last year we pulled almost 900,000 plants, just on the forest I work on.
never yell whoa in a horse race


SSS, I see I'm thinking along the same line as ya'll. :wink:

That'll stop it in a daym quick hurry.
Of course I like Jimbo's idea. I think it would stop it even faster.


Wouldn't the World take a big ol dump if we were to show up down there & enforce our borders without the federal gubments help or consent.  :eyebrow:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


Yeah it'd be an interesting conviction process when we got the entire lower portion of the United States citizens on your side too :yoyo:
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Just heard on the radio that a deputy sheriff was ambushed out in the desert by a bunch of illegals carrying drugs across the border.  He is in the hospital but is expected to live.  It'll be interesting to see if it makes the news outside of Arizona.  

If you go down to about the 27th picture with the teens and pre-teens all lined up along the road, our place is directly in front of them, at the base of that saddle.  it wouldn't suprise me at all if they came down the dry wash through our property.  
When they come for mine they better bring theirs


Quote from: JohnP on May 01, 2010, 12:23:23 AM
 It'll be interesting to see if it makes the news outside of Arizona.  

I saw it on our CTV news cast up here this morning and on FOX news they had a police chief giving his point of view[Agreeing with the law] after which he mentioned it.
I say what I think not think what I say.


UPDATE: Pinal County Deputy Louie Puroll has been discharged from the hospital after being shot in the desert this afternoon.   Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu said Puroll was found after shootout with suspected drug smugglers.  It took over an hour to locate Puroll.

The search is still on going for the suspects and it will continue through the night.  Hundreds of officers involved in the massive search in the desert near Interstate 8 and Highway 84.

Babeu also said, while searching for the suspects law enforcement helicopters were fired upon, but no one was injured.

Babeu says the deputy was doing smuggling interdiction work and found bags of marijuana in the desert. He then encountered five suspected illegal immigrants, two armed with rifles, and was shot.

"The fact that they were waiting and ambushed our deputy is very concerning.  It points to the fact that what we have said for the past several months, is that, this has reached a critical mass for law enforcement, And we've been calling out to our leaders in the state and national level, we need help," said Babeu.

When they come for mine they better bring theirs