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strange idea

Started by vayotehowler, August 13, 2010, 08:11:03 PM

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I have a strange idea and wanted to know what u all think. I know coyotes are territorial , what to do tjink would happen if you let your dog sleep on your camo ???? woulkd clearly smell like a dog and provide a more natural (dog scent) smell, any ideas????


A coyote would smell...... camos, a dog, and you.... :laf:  But what the hell try it.....


That was going to pretty much be my reply too.
You wont cover your human scent but you will add dog to it.
It certainly isnt a bad idea, but if you have a dog in the house, you already have dog on your clothing......according to a coyotes sense of smell.
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The coyotes nose works like our eyes.  When you walk into a bar you not only see the pretty girl sitting there but you also see her big boyfriend, all the others sitting at the bar, the juke box, the bartender, the booths and a host of other things in the room.  Likewise with the coyotes nose, it smells everything.  You will not fool a coyotes nose, at times you may confuse it but ya ain't never going to fool him.

The Gospel according to John.
When they come for mine they better bring theirs


 Once he is close enough to smell your dog scented camo he is close enough to smell you the camo the gun and anything you been in contact with for the past few hours.

It never hurts to think outside the box though...




good feed back , jsut thought it may trigger a response to defend turf , and maybe draw em in closer . u guys should be niceer to me or i'll leave . I am so sensitive , see the hand calls post if u dont get this  :alscalls: :laf: :eyebrow:


That guy had a lot things going on :loco:
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Quote from: vayotehowler on August 14, 2010, 08:35:37 PM
good feed back , jsut thought it may trigger a response to defend turf , and maybe draw em in closer . u guys should be niceer to me or i'll leave . I am so sensitive , see the hand calls post if u dont get this  :alscalls: :laf: :eyebrow:

:laf: :laf:  If we were mean we woulda told ya we could smell ya from here.....  :laf: :laf:

Truth is..... Hunt when you have time..... Hunt hard as you can...... Just dont try and ruin your family life over a dag gum coyote. Some folks do and I say it aint worth it..... :nono:
Thinking outside the box as Richard said, is a good thing...... Just remember.... the coyote lives out there.....We dont.... so it will always be better at it...... But we are better at pre-planning and you should spend a Huge amount of your time on that. Then you will increase your wins. :wink:

Jimmie in Ky

A little thinking outside the box never hurt anyone. And it can be a learning experience too.  If your hunting alone there is always cover for some type of setup nearby a good area. Always look around before setup to see the possibiliteis. Just because someone might think a sound is crazy or stupid doesn't mean it won't work on coyote's. If i wasn't for you being in those clothes the idea would danged well work. Especially at certain times of year.  Sort of like a trapper using a call lure on a set.  And I have heard of callers using call lures cross wind btw.

The idea is to get the coyote to expose itself any way you can for a clean kill. Keep on thinking and maybe you will come up with the latest in gimicks yourself. Jimmie


Yeah I live here in mts of VA. I drive around alot of fields and woods, I am contstantly lookign for wild life , deer and yotes and such. I seee plenty of deer and turkeys not many yotes. I made a trip to knoxville over 600 miles round trip not a single dog . buddy called me when got to tn and saw one on way home from work (20 mi). I hope to come up with that next invention(filthy rich) perfectg wife and kids if didnt have to work life be greater than already is. Have another post coming up. I can settle that dispute about cold calling . The sun shines on a dogs behind sometimes( u may call where they are and get lucky) I have done tons of research on yotes and tons and cold calling and no luck