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Things are starting to make sense

Started by clubmkred, August 16, 2010, 09:55:23 PM

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Stopping at the local grocery store after work to get milk for the wife, I decided to browse the magazine rack. To my surprise, I found that they now carry "Predator Xtreme". Lucky me. Looking through the pages, I came across a picture titled "Whackin & Stackin". It was then that I realized that most of you on this forum speak in an unspoken code. I read that particular post with somewhat of an idea of what it was about, but not really. Now I understand.

BTW, Eastern Coyotes Volume 1 came today (thank you CCP). Anxiously waiting for the wife to go to bed so I can pop it in the dvd player!  :innocentwhistle:


first rule is allways play hunting videos when she is around.......in a few days she will be asking when hunting season is in and when you are going .... :alscalls:

....PS my wife hates the summer time lol  :innocentwhistle:
my goal: do as much as I can, as fast as I can, for as long as I can, and at the end of the day if I'm not satisfied I will be to wore out to care


Speaking of code, wait until you hear CCP's hillbilly accent. Your gonna need a DEcoder.  :alscalls:
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Easy Cheesy on the accent thing. Did you ever hear that, that, uh..... sound you boys up north make?  :doh2: :eyebrownod:

Aw forget about it, let's go for some sloppy Joes..........I mean Bawbeque.  :laf:
Foxpro Staff Infection Free


Dont forget your hand calls while watching the DVD .......... :eyebrow:  You want to play along as loud as you can to be sure you can go hunting all you want later......... :eyebrownod:  :laf: :laf:


   :bowingsmilie: dont hold back bobeye .... i got your back .... hillbily accent  :confused:  :confused: i thought above the ohio river is where all the accents were  :biggrin:  :alscalls:
my goal: do as much as I can, as fast as I can, for as long as I can, and at the end of the day if I'm not satisfied I will be to wore out to care


Quote from: topdawg on August 17, 2010, 07:00:03 AM
 i thought above the ohio river is where all the accents were  :biggrin:  :alscalls:

Whoa, good thing I am south of the Ohio River, by 3000 yards.


i went to Canada a few years ago and they thought i had a funny accent....me and the guys i was hunting with were the only ones that talked normal  :alscalls:

One thing for sure was the Canadians talked funny but had great southern hospitality  :bowingsmilie:  :yoyo:
my goal: do as much as I can, as fast as I can, for as long as I can, and at the end of the day if I'm not satisfied I will be to wore out to care


Topdawg, you dont have to talk funny. You look funny though and that covers for it. :laf:
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If things are starting to make sense then your doing something wrong.  Ain't nothing makes sense when calling predators.
When they come for mine they better bring theirs


the ohio thing doesnt apply . When u get to where they start making sweet tea u r in the south . and they dont make sausage gravy in the north. AND I QUOTE HERE  We got gravy and we can put sausage it . aint the same was my response  always. I was born and bred in Va and when i was in the coast guard got stationed in boston. bean town was a good time, but the sweet tea line is what we judge the south by. that dont make that up north either



I say what I think not think what I say.


I can walk to the Ohio river from here in about 15-20 min. and I love gravy!!!!!!
I am in West central WV. and the river is west of me........
I am below the mason Dixon  yet some argue what I am.......
I do know I dont mow my yard very often and I do have salad bowls that say cool whip on them.......
So yall can call me whatever........ now I'm hungry!!!!!!  :eyebrownod:


Sweet tea = Liquid Diabetes. Gotta love it.  :wink:

I have to say one quick thing. I have travelled from the Pacific to the Atlantic and the Gulf and one thing is fairly constant. A country boy is a country boy is a country boy. We may talk a little different, eat a little different and act a little different, but I would far rather go hunting with a country boy from Minnesota than I would a city slicker from Atlanta.  :yoyo:
Foxpro Staff Infection Free


 :sad3:  :sad3: :sad2:  i was just trying to stir the pot a little and bobeye had to go all sentimental on me    :shrug:
my goal: do as much as I can, as fast as I can, for as long as I can, and at the end of the day if I'm not satisfied I will be to wore out to care


ohhh and i forgot something .....

Quote from: FinsnFur on August 17, 2010, 05:06:27 PM
Topdawg, you dont have to talk funny. You look funny though and that covers for it. :laf:
:confused:  :confused: :finger:  :innocentwhistle:
ps: sorry about the hijacking
my goal: do as much as I can, as fast as I can, for as long as I can, and at the end of the day if I'm not satisfied I will be to wore out to care


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i am with bopeye it not where  u from , its how u are with people and whther or not they are trying to sale calls wout intoing themselves :alscalls: :alscalls: :alscalls: :alscalls: :alscalls: :alscalls: :alscalls: :alscalls: :nofgr: sorry that wasnt right of it really is about how u act with people and what in your heart