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Air Raid !

Started by nastygunz, September 15, 2010, 10:19:45 PM

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So today i am out working hard for the company... :biggrin:....on my way back to the office I allegedly didnt come to a complete stop at a stop sign and get pulled over by a nh state trooper on a motorsickle...lether jacket..mirror shades...the whole shebang...so he comes up to my rig...says license..registration....do you have any guns in the car?...Im like yes I do..hes all code red...he says I see a handgun on the back seat is it loaded ?..I say nope..he says you got a permit?...I says yupp but its a pellet gun...hes like it is? I say yupp...and then hes like rifle!...also in back...I say yupp its a pellet rifle...hes like I want to look...I said go ahead..he checks em both out..he says anymore guns in the rig...I say nope...hes like well your telling me all you have is airguns ?...I said no I got a shitload of guns just not here  :wink:...he says mind if I look...I said you can look anywhere you want..he digs around a bit...looked dissappointed...gave me a verbal warning I said have a nice day..he said you too...then lefti...kinda funny he looked really sad cuz I only had airguns   :eyebrow:


Mind if I look around some more. :laf:

You should have gritted your teeth and said, "Yikes!....that might not be a good idea.  :alscalls:
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Kind of funny he asked  "do you have any guns in the car?" 
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NEVER EVER give permission to search your person, vehicle or home.    That is a big NO-NO.   :nono:

Take a look at these videos.   They have some good advice.

10 Rules For Dealing With The Police

Most cops are good guys who have a very dangerous job to do.   But there are exceptions and you may have just run in to one.   :eyebrownod:

THO Game Calls

I agree with you 110% Semp.   I would never trade a 100 buck stop sign ticket for my Constitutional Rights.

On the other hand, if a cop saw weapons in your car would he  let you just sit there in the vehicle while he dug around in your back seat?    Or would he would call for back up, and when it arrived, have you exit the vehicle and while one cop watched you, he would do the search.  I don't think there is a cop alive who would put his life in jeopardy by leaving you unattended while he searched your vehicle, especially if he had reason to believe you were armed or there were weapons in the vehicle.  This just doesn't sound right.   I question the fact that he said  "License and Registration.   Do you have any weapons in the car?"   I'm just not buying this one.   Especially if a state trooper is involved.   They are too professional for this to be 100% true. 

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I was asked the same question when I was stopped for speeding in Greenwood, I gave the answer of maybe. I sat in a police car while they searched my car. They didnt find anything {There was nothing to find} then the cop came back got me out of the car and said I thought you said you had guns in the car. I told him no I said maybe, It is my right as an american citizen with a permit to have guns in my vehicle if I want to or not, so yeah the answer was maybe. They dont like that kind of answer.
Don't bring shame to our sport.

He died for dipshits too.


Permit? You guys from England?
I have a Constitutional Right so what's this permit sh ..... stuff? :shrug:


I was coming home from walmart back in the day when u had to wear dress pants a shirt and a tie, always. driving when a state trooper pulled in behind me like 2 inches off bummper and knew what was coming . I wasnt speeding or anything, light comes on . jsut like the vide o cept for 1 minor detail.1 cop car behind, then one in front and another in front  and another in back 4 cars and a k9  and like 12 cops . smoke then and the cop comes up adn says u nervous i said no sir . he said ur hand is shaking and i saidI guesss i wasnt doing anything an u pulled me. had a knife in the side compartment, he asked other weapons , told him no, asked about the chain in floor,really in a truck. asked to search told him yeah, raked the glove box in the floor , opened every empty cigarett pack and aske what was in there , i said tobacco. he wrote me up for illegal sign (tinted design on the tinted top of shield) and concealed weapon . for the chain???? less than 6' in va is a fighting chain!!!!!!. Never again. watch a video called fall of the republic and see what they have to say!!!!! u wont b sorry u did