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Started by FinsnFur, September 11, 2010, 06:13:39 AM

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May those souls rest in peace.

Never forget, Never forgive.


 :sad: I feel bad for all those people. FIRGIN TERRORISTS  :madd:!
Bills Custom Calls Pro Staff


Spent most of my day yesterday teaching a Hunters Education Class. My mind kept wandering back to that fateful day. How I felt seeing the first building damaged on TV and watching the second plane do its God forsaken work. The disbelief, the denial, then the terror and sorrow. And then, the ANGER! That anger still burns inside. That act of aggression will never be forgoten or forgiven.

Christian Outdoorsman. Certified Ohio Hunter Ed and Trapper Ed Instructor.


I was driving across Kansas, going to Ohio. The other drivers on the cb started talking about a plane hitting some building and none of them seemed to have any idea when or where this had happened. Then some one said they had grounded ALL air traffic, so I pulled over to look. When I stopped I noticed the fuel price was about a dollar more than the last truck stop I had passed, and there was no sign of planes in the air at all. I went inside just in time to see the second plane hit on the news. They were showing the damage to the first building and didn't even notice the impact on the second one for a minute or more. The anger was almost overwhelming. I sat there long enough to see both buildings collapse then I finally drug myself away and continued down the road in a little bit of a daze. The whole country seemed too quiet. I noticed there was a lot of people staying home over the next few days. I couldn't reach my dispatcher for 3 days. She had family working in there, one of the ones that hadn't gone to work yet, but in the confusion she didn't find out for almost a week. I was ready to start launching nukes until we got the ones responsible. Over the next 2 weeks, every time I saw the news they had something on about the World Trade Center and the anger would return. I think I have an idea what the people felt like after Pearl Harbor.
sometimes I wonder....is that getting closer..... then it hits me

I had a personal conflict the other day, now I'm not speaking to myself.... I'm getting lonesome

I met the girl of my dreams, I was the man of her dreams too.....she used the term "nightmares" though.

Jimmie in Ky

I was heading home from work when it first came over the radio. When I got home I sat and watched the news programs airing it. I cried like a baby the whole time knowing that many were going to die in what I saw there. I still get tears in my eyes when I think of it. To this day I can't watch anything about it without those feelings welling up inside.

And the bastard that masterminded it all is still loose! There should be no border we do not cross in hunting him down to pay for his crimes. To see him sitting in a cell rotting for the rest of his sorry life should be played on websites daily for all to see. No sun no moon no stars , no way to know which way is east in order to pray. Solid walls every day hte rest of his life. To die finally with his own insanity would be the most harsh punishment that could be bestowed on such an animal. Jimmie


We were roofing a couple miles from the Akron/Canto Airport when the plane that went down in Pennsylavania flew over. It seemed no more 1500feet above us & we could read the numbers on it. The homeowner was out watching us & said in all his years there has never been a plane that low over his house. A few minutes later his Wife came out & told us about the 1st plane in the Towers. Then they came out & told us about the 2nd & we knew this was big even tho we knew nothing else at that time.

May God Bless those Familes & Hell take the responsible souls for that day.

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


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